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FANHALL ID: im04206
姓名: 崔子恩
性别: 不详
生日: 不详

影人概述: . . . . . .

独立导演/编剧/制片人 。北京电影学院电影研究所研究员。已经出版长篇小说、中短篇小说集、论说著作16部。代表著作《桃色嘴唇》《舅舅的人间烟火》《玫瑰床榻》。

《丑角登场》(ENTER THE CLOWNS)2002,80min,原著/编剧/导演
第32届荷兰鹿特丹国际电影节(RIFF) 等
《旧约》(THE OLD TESTAMENT)2002,74min,编剧/导演
第53届柏林国际电影节PANORAMA参赛/TEDDY长片奖提名作品 等
《脸不变色心不跳》(Keep Cool and Don't Blush)2003,70min,原著/编剧/导演
《哎呀呀,去哺乳》(FEEDING BOYS,AYAYA),2003,80min,编剧/导演
第8届韩国釜山国际电影节(PIFF) 等
《夜景》(NIGHT SCENE)2004,73min,编剧/导演
第34届荷兰鹿特丹国际电影节(RIFF) 等
《死亡的内景》(An Interior View of Death),2004,61min, 编剧/导演
  2006 新加坡亚洲电影论坛 等
《雾语》(The Narrow Path)2004,73min,编剧/导演
《星星相吸惜》(Star Appeal)2005,90min,编剧/导演
第6届意大利罗马Asiaticafilmmediale电影节 等
《石头和那个娜娜》(Shitou and That Nana)2005,92min,编剧/导演
2005巴西Mix国际电影节(Festival Mix Brazil )
《WC呼呼哈嘿》(WC Hu Hu Ha Hee!)2005,81min,编剧/导演
   2007 德国杜塞尔多夫Made in China电影节 等
《少年花草黄》(Withered in a Blooming Season)2005,90min,编剧/导演
第30届香港国际电影节(HKIFF) 等
   2006 德国柏林 Made in China 艺术节 等
  第59届瑞士洛迦诺国际电影节(IFFL) 等
《我如花似玉的儿子》(My Fair Son) 2007,92min,编剧/导演
  2008 柏林亚洲热门电影节
美国加利福尼亚州州议会奖(California Stat Assembly),2002/05
A.2003/06/21~29 崔子恩专题影展 2500里文化传播中心(北京)
B.2003/10/07~11/06 美国10所名校电影巡展:加州大学圣地亚哥分校(UCSD)、加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)、加州大学艾尔文分校(UCI)、加州艺术学院(CALARTS)、西方学院(OCCIDENTAL COLLEGE)、俄勒冈大学(UNIVERSITY OF OREGON)、纽约大学(NYU)、纽约市立大学(CUNY)、耶鲁大学(YELE UNIVERSITY)、哈佛大学(HARVARD UNIVERSITY),放映影片有《丑角登场》《旧约》《脸不变色心不跳》《哎呀呀,去哺乳》《夜景》《雾语》《死亡的内景》
C.2004/01/02~01/10 崔子恩专题影展 东大名艺术中心(上海)
D.2005/04 崔子恩酷儿专题影展 美国夏威夷大学(檀香山)
E.2006/05 崔子恩主题影展 美国加州大学三所校区——UCLA.UCSB.UCSC
F.2006/10 对话崔子恩专题影展,第50届英国伦敦电影节(LFF),放映影片《星星相吸惜》和《少年花草黄》
G.2006/10~11 崔子恩主题影展,第11届韩国釜山国际电影节(PIFF),放映影片《星星相吸惜》、《少年花草黄》和《副歌》

DV Film: Director/Scriptwriter/Producer
Meat and Three Veg. (2008, 84 minutes)
We Are the … of Communism (2007, 94 minutes
Only Child, Upward, Downward, Forward, Backward, Rightward and Leftward (2007, 70 minutes)
My Fair Son (2007, 90 minutes)
Refrain (2006, 109 minutes)
Withered in a Blooming Season (2006, 90 minutes)
Duan Ju (2005, 14 minutes)
WC Hu Hu Ha Hee (2006, 80 minutes)
Shitou and That Nana (2005, 92 minutes)
Star Appeal (2005, 86 minutes)
The Narrow Path (2004, 73 minutes)
Night Scene (2004, 75 minutes)
An Interior of Death (2003, 61 minutes)
Feeding Boys, Ayaya (2003, 80 minutes)
Keep Cool and Don't Blush (2002, 70 minutes)
Enter the Clowns (2002, 80 minutes)
The Old Testament (2002, 74 minutes)

Individual Screening Events
----. 2003/06/21~29, Films by Cui Zi’en, 2500 Miles Communication Center, Beijing.
----. 2003/10/07~11/06, Screening Cui Zi’en at ten American top universities including University of California (San Diego, Los Angeles, and Irvine), CalArts, Occidental College, University of Oregon, New York University, City University of New York, Yale University, and Harvard University. Films screened include Enter the Clowns, The Old Testament, Feeding Boys, Ayaya, Night Scene, Keep Cool and Don't Blush, The Narrow Path, and The Inside View of Death.
----. 2004/01/02~01/10, Films by Cui Zi’en, DongDaMing (DDM) Art Center, Shanghai.
----. 2005/04, Queer Films by Cui Zi’en, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, U.S.A..
----. 2006/05, Films by Cui Zi’en, University of California, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, and Santa Cruz.
----. 2006/10, Dialogue with Cui Zi’en and His Films, the 50th London Film Festival, England. Films screened include Star Appeal and Withered in a Blooming Season.
----. 2006/10~11, Subject Cui Zi’en, the 11th Pusan International Film Festival (PIFF), South Korea. Films screened include Star Appeal and Withered in a Blooming Season, and Refrain.
----. 2007/04, Screening Cui Zi’en, the 22th Turin Gay Lesbian Bisexual and Transsexual Film Festival, Italy. Films screened include Withered in a Blooming Season and Refrain.

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崔子恩主演的影片 . . . . . .

崔子恩创作音乐的影片 . . . . . .

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