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FANHALL ID: if00392
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片名: 哎呀呀,去哺乳
其它片名: /Feeding Boys,Ayaya
导演: 崔子恩
编剧: 崔子恩
制片人: 刘淑景, 张晖林
摄影: 袁德强, 张晖林
声音: 袁德强, 张晖林
剪辑: 高博杰, 祁江
主演: 张荐, 贾戈, 侯剑, 于滨, 文文, 张世钦, 孙斌, 刘安安, 侯立峰, 王瑞琪, 刘侃, 朱轩
音乐: 张荐
片长: 80分钟
年份: 2003年
类型: 剧情片
国别: 中国

影片概述 . . . . . .


Composer Dajian said that being a male prostitute is equal to composing of great music. He entitled his music” We need afflatus in selling ” and then distribute it to those characters who live on selling and those do not. Xiaobao’s work as a male prostitute is known by his mother and elder brother Dabin, who is a Christian. He tried to persuade Xiaobao to quit the discriminated job. Xiaobao resisted the press and left home.
Dabin went out to look for Xiaobao. He met Zaizai and Anan. Treating them for dinner, he expected that they could change their way of life but in vain. Dabin went to look for all the young men who work as male prostitutes and wanted to save them. But Xiaohe told him that there are ten benefits to be a male prostitute, which muted Dabin.
Dabin’s conversus Houjian decided to be a male prostitute for the practice of Christian doxy and the identification with the understratum of the society. They argued about it and reached no agreement. So they decided to do an investigation in the street and theme is How do you look on selling of yourself ?”. The result shows that most people are against of sex
trade. Houjian lost the debate but he still sticked to be a male prostitute.
Houjian brought his guest home intentionally to challenge his warm family and parents.
Houjian and Zaizai believe that human being are mammals. Men have to sell themselves to feed others with their sperm to restructure their characteristic of mammals.
Zaizai suspected that he got Aids. He inquired on the Hotline for Beijing Gays and got some health tutorship.
Dabin was psychologically and physically exhausted and collapsed. When dying, he enjoined his girlfriend Wenwen to keep on his will, to save all the male prostitutes like Xiaobao. Wenwen did keep her words, she preached the Christian evangel in the street everyday. In order to save Zaizai, she sacrificed herself as his girlfriend and provided her house for Zaizai and Houjian. In return,
they violated her in turn and stressed that they were trying to revert to the characteristic of mammals to feed her, and then they flirted her by singing ”Go to sell youth on pedaling”.
Zaizai and Houjian found even a lower job to be beggars in the end. At the end of the movie, Dajian contributed such themes “The world and human being”.

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22nd Vancouver International Film Festival
8th Pusan International Film Festival
6th Taipei International Film Festival
28th HongKong International Film Festival

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评分: 6分 年月:-0001.11
评注: 崔老师反常规作品之一!

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