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FANHALL ID: if02129
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片名: 是同志,那又怎么样?
其它片名: /Gay, so what?
导演: Jean- Batiste ERRECA
编剧: Jean- Batiste ERRECA
制片人: Fabrice Coat
剪辑: Lionel Bernard
主演: 崔子恩, La Prohibida, Didier Zheng, Frank Léon Roberts, Amanda Lepore, Phipp Tanzer, Emmanuelle Blanc, Daniel et Naira, Anna la Chocha, Ana Maria Reyes, CuiZi’en, Penny Arcade
音乐: Fred Léonard
片长: 100分钟
年份: 2007年
国别: 巴西
制作机构: Canal+, Program 33

影片概述 . . . . . .

“我们和你们是一样的。” 同性恋融入异性恋社会后又会怎么样?这是否意味着同性恋社区的终结?后同性恋身份政治的宏伟蓝图是否正在展开?我们是否在以这种方式见证着新的生活方式和思维方式的到来?

After 25years of activism and militancy, proud speeches about the right to be different, so important in the last decades, has shifted into a need for assimilation and a sense of sameness :
« We are just like you ». What comes after integration ? Is it the end of a certain gay community, Is a new post gay outline underway ? We are witnessing the advent of new lifestyles and new waves of thinking ?
Welcome to a post-gay universe ! Agitators, activists, performer and artists from all over the globe take us into their world, far from tradiotional stereotypes which have become obsolete.
Men and women , each in their own way, embody a new and re-invented lifestyle ; a life « beyond homosexuality ».

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