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FANHALL ID: im04123
姓名: 赵亮
生日: 不详

影人概述: . . . . . .

1992 毕业于鲁迅美术学院
1993   北京电影学院摄影系进修故事片摄影

2007    《罪与罚》122 mins
1995-2006 《告别圆明园》104 mins
1997-2001 《纸飞机》77 min
1997-2002 《小芮小姐》60min
2004-2005  《在江边》56 min
1996-2008 《上访》

1992 Graduated Luxun Academy of Fine Arts
1993-94 Studied at Beijing Film Academy
1994 Currently lives and works in Beijing group exhibitions/festivals:
2007 6th Roma international documantry filmfestival
2007 Internationales Dokumentarfilmfestival Mnchen
2006 The 3rd International Video-Art Biennial in   Isreal
2006 IDFA (International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam) The Netherlands
2006 Kasseler Dokumentarfilm- & Videofest AWARD Golden Key honourable mention 
2006 60th Edinburgh International Film Festival    
2006 Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen shot film festival (Jury of the Minister President           of North Rhine-Westphalia)(city scene)
2006 Input Taiwan, doc film Return to the Border
2005 Rencontres Internationals Paris/ Berlin
2004 New Photo and Video Art from China, ICP, New York, USA
2004 Regeneration: Contemporary Chinese Art from China and the US, Samek Art Gallery at Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA, USA(video installation)
2003 How Latitudes Become Forms, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, USA;
 Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Torino, Italy (video installation)
2002 48th International Short Film Festival,   Oberhausen, Germany
2002 3rd Taiwan International Documentary Festival, Taipei,  Taiwan
 3rd Milan International Film Festival, Milan, Italy
6th Buenos Aires International Independent Film Festival, Buenos Aires, Argentina Input 2002, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
2001 8th New York Underground Film Festival, New York,  USA
2000 Cityzooms, Up-and-Coming Internationa lFilm Festival, Hannover, Germany
1999 Residency at the Centre International de Creation Video, Herimoncourt, France
2000 Poly Phenolrene, The Bow Gallery, Beijing, China
1998 16th WWVF (World Wide Video Festival), Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1999 Corruptionists, basement of a residential building, Beijing, China
1997 Demonstration of Video Art, Cifa Gallery, Beijing, China

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赵亮导演的影片 . . . . . .

赵亮摄影的影片 . . . . . .

赵亮录音的影片 . . . . . .

赵亮剪辑的影片 . . . . . .

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