2008-11-20 21:48 来源:BIFF2008组委会 感谢
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BIFF2008(第三届北京独立电影论坛 )推出的一个关于声音制作的交流会:
目前国内的独立纪录片制作很少有做后期混音的工作,几乎都是把同期声剪好即完,顶多是做些降噪和加音乐之类的工作。是否只有同期声才最能体现纪录片中的真实?这似乎是关系到纪录片理念的问题。抛开这些不谈,看看国外的同行们在纪录片的声音处理上都做过哪些工作,对当下正在做纪录片的国内同行或许具有借鉴意义。《罪与罚 》的导演赵亮的另一部影片《在江边 》(2006年,56分钟)在法国做了3个月的后期,11月26日下午2点,在放映同导演的《在江边》之后,我们将特地邀请赵亮导演到场,和大家谈谈他在这部影片的声音剪辑方面的经验和体会。
At present, few domestic independent documentaries have undergone Audio mixing. Most of them end up without post production but some control of noise and addiction of music at most. Whether only analog recording can best conveys the reality in the documentaries seems a question concerning about the basic concepts of documentaries. Maybe we can learn something from foreign counterparts when looking at how they deal with the sound reproduction.Zhao Liang , the director of "Crime and Punishment", once had his another film " Return to the Border"(2006,56 mins) post-produced in France for 3 months. After the screen of " Return to the Border " at pm.2, 26 Nov., we will be honoured to invite Mr. Zhao here to share with us his editing experience and feelings in this film.
At present, few domestic independent documentaries have undergone Audio mixing. Most of them end up without post production but some control of noise and addiction of music at most. Whether only analog recording can best conveys the reality in the documentaries seems a question concerning about the basic concepts of documentaries. Maybe we can learn something from foreign counterparts when looking at how they deal with the sound reproduction.Zhao Liang , the director of "Crime and Punishment", once had his another film " Return to the Border"(2006,56 mins) post-produced in France for 3 months. After the screen of " Return to the Border " at pm.2, 26 Nov., we will be honoured to invite Mr. Zhao here to share with us his editing experience and feelings in this film.