Wim Wenders

FANHALL ID: im07047
姓名: | Wim Wenders/维姆 文德斯 |
性别: | 男 |
生日: | 1945-08-14 |
影人概述: . . . . . .
1945年出生于德国杜塞尔多夫的维姆·文德斯在世界影坛上拥有举足轻重的地位和代表。凭借自己独具魅力的作品曾多次荣获戛纳、柏林、威尼斯等国际一流电影节的大奖,与法斯宾德、施隆多夫和赫尔措格并称为“德国新电影四杰”,是二十世纪70年代“新德国电影运动(New German Cinema)”的代表人物之一。70年代,受当时美国公路电影的启发,和少年时对西部片的喜爱,文德斯开始拍摄属于自己的欧洲式的公路电影,并由此奠定了他以后的创作方向,开始了他在光影世界里的漫漫流浪。在他的著名电影作品包括《德州巴黎》、《美国朋友》、《柏林苍穹下》、《直到世界末日》中,流浪与疏离成为文德斯电影永远的主角,文德斯也籍由这两个元素在银幕上创造出一个个充满诗意与虚空感的世界。日本电影大师小津安二郎是文德斯的偶像,更曾经在八十年代专程前往日本拍摄纪录片《寻找小津》,此次来京还会带来今年刚刚完成的新作,几乎是世界首映。
1974年可以说是文德斯事业的转折点,由于受到当时美国一些公路电影(如1969年的《逍遥骑士》(Easy Rider))的启发,也由于自己少年时对西部片的喜爱,文德斯开始拍摄属于自己的欧洲式的公路电影,并由此奠定了文德斯以后的创作方向,开始了他在光影世界里的漫漫流浪。从此以后,流浪与疏离成为文德斯电影永远的主角,文德斯也籍由这两个元素在银幕上创造出一个个充满诗意与虚空感的世界来。
令文德斯声名鹊起的是他的“旅行三部曲”:1974年的《爱丽丝漫游城市》(Alice in the Cities),1975年的《错误的举动》(The Wrong Move)和1976年的《公路之王》(Kings of the Road)。其中《错误的举动》讲述了一位作家为寻找灵感而游历,画面具有诗意的隐喻和富于哲学意味的象征内涵;《公路之王》则以写实的基调和独特的观照方式批判了俗媚的电影文化,同时也对70年代中期德国电影界的状况投以了深切的关注。1977年,公路电影代表之作《逍遥骑士》的导演Dennis Hopper更是和文德斯一起合作,拍摄了气氛神奇的影片《美国朋友》(The American Friend)。影片在纽约、汉堡、慕尼黑和巴黎之间来回跳跃,世界成为纠结在摩天大厦、地铁、高速公路、列车之间的神秘空间,从而散发出强烈的疏离感,令人难忘。
七十年代中后期,轰轰烈烈的“德国新电影”运动开始衰落,经济危机使得影市萧条,德国的电影导演们或是转投电视业或是前往国外。就在这个时候,一直关注着“德国新电影”运动的好莱坞著名导演弗朗西斯·科波拉向文德斯发出了前往美国拍片的邀请。自 1978年起,文德斯陆续拍摄了影片《哈默特》(Hammett)、《尼克的电影--水上的闪电》(Nick's Movie--Lightning Over Water)和《事物的状态》(The State of Things)。《哈默特》作为文德斯首次拍摄的好莱坞式电影作品,并没有能令科波拉满意,这部片子的大部分镜头都被科波拉要求重拍,以至影片的发行时间比预想中推迟了三年多。1982年的《事物的状态》却获得了联邦电影奖(前西德电影最高奖)和威尼斯电影节金狮奖,开始确立他在国际影坛的地位。
1983年的《德州巴黎》(Paris, Texas)使文德斯摘取了第37届戛纳电影节金棕榈奖的桂冠,这部被称为“标志着文德斯美国化倾向的高峰”的影片成功的表现了人的孤独以及人与人之间的隔膜。影片主要在美国西南部的沙漠里拍摄,影像风格极其鲜明,文德斯创造出极为宽广的银幕空间,从而成功展现出充斥在故事主角生命里的虚空感。
虽然《德州巴黎》是一部非常成功的作品,但是文德斯似乎还是更喜欢在欧洲拍片。也正是在自己的祖国,文德斯拍摄出了他最广为人知也最受好评的一部电影——《柏林苍穹下》(Wings of Desire)。影片讲述了一个渴望下凡的天使的故事,尼古拉斯·凯奇和梅格·瑞恩98年主演的《天使多情》(City of Angles)就是《柏林苍穹下》的好莱坞通俗版。这部影片也使文德斯获得了1988年第41届戛纳电影节的最佳导演奖,使得他在世界影坛上真正确立了的自己的地位。
但是文德斯并没有满足,而是在以后的创作中不断丰富和扩充着自己的电影世界。1991年的《直到世界尽头》(Until the End of the World )拍摄于全球四大洲,影片在皓渺的氛围里讲述了一个关于世界末日的奇妙寓言,被称为“终极公路电影”。1993年的《咫尺天涯》(Far Away, So Close)以俯视的角度观察德国统一后社会景观的变化;而在两年后的《云上的日子》里,文德斯则和意大利传奇导演米开朗基罗·安东尼奥尼一起探讨了爱与欲望的问题,影片摄制于欧洲数个国家,也是一部巧妙借用公路片形式的电影。文德斯不断地在公路电影的基础上嫁接与派生着新的元素,同时也改造着传统公路片的形式。他越来越喜欢在城市里表现流浪的状态,将现代社会里孤独与疏离的状态描述得愈加生动。在1997年的《暴力启示录》(The End of Violence)里,文德斯描写了暴力的外在表现,试图从一个新的角度来探讨现代社会里的暴力问题。1996年拍摄的《光之幻影》(A Trick of the Light)“记录”了许多对电影的发展做出贡献却被遗忘的人们,表达了文德斯对电影历史的缅怀与敬意。
有鉴于文德斯电影创作理念中观察者的姿态与感觉,他也非常钟爱纪录片的拍摄。他一共拍过7部纪录片,其中1985年《东京之行》是一部关于文德斯的偶像导演小津安二郎的纪录片,相当引人注目。1998年描写古巴音乐风情的《乐满夏湾拿》(Buena Vista Social Club)广受好评,文德斯与为他制作了《德州巴黎》的音乐人瑞·库德(Ry Cooder)再次成功合作,展现了他自己一直深喜着的美洲音乐的迷人魅力。同时文德斯也非常喜欢摇滚乐,他曾说过:“今天摇滚与电影的联系比以往任何时候都要紧密,文学、戏剧和绘画看来似乎与电影的联系更紧密,却远没有摇滚来得贴和时代、准确直接。”文德斯2000年新片《百万大酒店》(The Million Dollar Hotel)的配乐就是由著名摇滚乐队U2的主脑Bono主刀炮制的。文德斯再次将音乐与画面贴和在一起,创造出赏心悦目的声色迷情来,影片讲述了发生在某座酒店大厦里一桩命案的诸多瓜葛。这部地点不变的电影似乎是文德斯电影里流浪的某种终结,而我却宁愿相信,这不过是他不归的流浪之路上的一个小小的 Motel(公路旅馆)而已。
1970年 《城市之夏》
1971年 《守门员害怕罚点球》
1972年 《红字》
1974年 《爱丽丝漫游城市》
1975年 《错误的举动》
1976年 《公路之王》
1977年 《美国朋友》
1980年 《尼克的电影——水上的闪电》
1982年 《哈默特》
1982年 《事物的状态》
1983年 《德州巴黎》
1985年 《东京之行》
1987年 《柏林苍穹下》
1989年 《衣食住行事件簿》
1991年 《直到世界尽头》
1993年 《咫尺天涯》
1994年 《里斯本的故事》
1995年 《云上的日子》
1996年 《光之幻影》
1997年 《暴力启示录》
1998年 《乐满夏湾拿》
2000年 《百万大酒店》
Early life
Wenders graduated from the Gymnasium (high school) in Oberhausen, in the Ruhr area. He then studied medicine (1963-64) and philosophy (1964-65) in Freiburg and Düsseldorf. However, he dropped out of school and moved to Paris in October 1966 to become a painter. Wenders failed his entry test at France's national film school IDHEC (La Fémis at present), so instead became an engraver in the studio of Johnny Friedlander, an American artist, in Montparnasse. During this time, Wenders became fascinated with cinema, and saw up to 5 movies a day at the local movie theater.
Set on making his obsession also his life's work, Wenders returned to Germany in 1967 to work in the Düsseldorf office of United Artists. That fall, he entered the "Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film München" (University of Television and Film Munich). Between 1967 and 1970 while at the "HFF", Wenders also worked as a film critic for FilmKritik, then the Munich daily newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung, Twen magazine, and Der Spiegel.
Wenders completed several short films before graduating from the Hochschule with a feature-length 16mm black and white film, Summer in the City.
Career and awards
Wenders (now represented by James Cohan Gallery) began his career with the rise of the New German Cinema at the end of the 1960s, making his feature directorial debut with Summer in the City (1970). Awards that he has received include the Golden Lion for The State of Things at the Venice Film Festival (1982), the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival (1984) for his movie Paris, Texas, and Best Direction for Wings of Desire in the 1987 Bavarian Film Awards[1] and the 1987 Cannes Film Festival. Wenders was awarded honorary doctorates at the Sorbonne in Paris in 1989 and at the Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium in 2005. In 1993 he again won the Bavarian Film Awards for Best Director.[2] He was awarded the Leopard of Honour at the Locarno International Film Festival in 2005.
Much of the cinematography in his movies was as a result of a highly productive collaboration with Dutch cinematographer Robby Müller. He also worked with the Austrian writer Peter Handke, adapting Handke's novel The Goalie's Anxiety at the Penalty Kick for his second feature film, The Goalkeeper's Fear of the Penalty and Handke collaborated with Wenders on Wings of Desire. He co-wrote Until the End of the World starring actress and romantic interest Solveig Dommartin.
He has directed several highly acclaimed documentaries, most notably Buena Vista Social Club (1999) about Cuban musicians, and The Soul of a Man (2003) on American blues.
Wenders has directed many music videos for U2, including "Stay (Faraway, So Close!)" and a number of television commercials including a UK advertisement for Carling Premier Canadian beer. His book, Emotion Pictures - a collection of diary essays written while a film student - was broadcast as a series of plays on BBC Radio 3, featuring Peter Capaldi as Wenders, with Gina McKee, Saskia Reeves, Dennis Hopper, Harry Dean Stanton and Ricky Tomlinson, dramatised by Neil Cargill.
Wenders is also a member of the advisory board of World Cinema Foundation. The project was founded by Martin Scorsese and aimed at finding and reconstructing world cinema films that have been long neglected.
selected Exhibitions
Wim Wenders: Immagini dal pianeta terra, Scuderie del Quirinale, Rome, Italy Journey to Onomichi – Photos by Wim and Donata Wenders, Omotesando Hills, Tokyo, Japan Pictures from the Surface of the Earth, images from touring exhibition, Salon of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Belgrade, Yugoslavia Dark Places, curated by Joshua Decter, Santa Monica Museum of Art, Santa Monica, CA
The Forest: Politics, Poetics, and Practice, Nasher Museum of Art at Duke University, Durham, NC Through the Lens, group exhibition, C. Grimaldis Gallery, Baltimore, MD
Pictures from the Surface of the Earth, ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum, Århus C, Denmark
Pictures from the Surface of the Earth, Australia and Japan, James Cohan Gallery, New York, NY Between The Lines, group exhibition, James Cohan Gallery, New York, NY Images of Time and Place: Contemporary Views of Landscape, group exhibition, Lehman College Art Gallery, Bronx, NY Wim Wenders, Galleria Marabini, Bologna, Italy Through the Lens: Eight Photographers, group exhibition, C. Grimaldis Gallery, Baltimore, Maryland.
Wim Wenders, James Cohan Gallery, New York, NY Wim Wenders, Galerie Judin Belot, Zurich, Switzerland
Pictures from the Surface of the Earth, touring exhibition: Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin (2001), Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao (2002), Haunch of Venison, London (2003); Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney (2003); City Art Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand; Millennium Art Museum, Beijing, China; Shanghai Museum of Art, Shanghai, China; Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, China (2004)
Buena Vista Social Club, Rose Gallery, Bergamot Station, Santa Monica, CA
Wim Wenders: Landscape and Memory, Gallery of Contemporary Photography, Santa Monica Wim Wenders: Photos, in conjunction with the publication, Wim Wenders: Photos, Munich Goethe Institute (1996), Goethe Institutes worldwide
Wim Wenders: Landscape and Memory, Gallery of Contemporary Photography, Santa Monica, CA
Wim Wenders Photo Exhibition, in conjunction with the publication, Once, Munich: Schirmer/ Mosel (2001), touring exhibition: Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome (1993); Villa delle Rose, Bologna (1994); FNAC, Paris (1994); Parco, Tokyo (1994); FNAC, Berlin (1995); Villa Rufolo, Ravello (1995)
Wim Wenders Photographs, touring exhibition: Galerie F. C Gundlach, Hamburg (1989); Galerie Marie-Louise Wirth, Zürich (1990); Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film, Munich (1991); Fahey/Klein Gallery, Los Angeles (1991); Shibuya Seibu Dept. Store, Tokyo (1992); Kiyomizu
Temple, Kyoto (1992); Musée de L'Elysée, Lausanne (1992); Amerika Haus, Berlin (1992); Venice Biennale (1993); Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebaek (1993); Sala Parpallo Palau Dels Scala, Valencia (1994); San Telmo Museum, San Sebastian (1994)
Written in the West, in conjunction with the publication, Written in the West, Munich: Schirmer/Mosel (1987), touring exhibition: Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris (1986); Encontros de Fotografia, Coimbra (1987); Palazzo della Triennale di Milano (1988); Film Society of Miami (1988); Goethe Institut, Stockholm (1988); Goethe Institut, Copenhagen (1988); Saint-Yrieix-La-Perche (1990); Städtische Galerie Schwarzes Kloster, Freiburg (Breisgau) (1992)
Year Title German title Summary
1970 Summer in the City First full length feature film (Dedicated to The Kinks)
1972 The Goalkeeper's Fear of the Penalty (UK) or The Goalie's Anxiety at the Penalty Kick (USA) Die Angst des Tormanns beim Elfmeter Adaptation of a novel by Peter Handke
1973 The Scarlet Letter Der Scharlachrote Buchstabe Adapted from the novel by Nathaniel Hawthorne
1974 Alice in the Cities Alice in den Städten First part of Wenders' Road Movie Trilogy
1975 The Wrong Move Falsche Bewegung Second part of Wenders' Road Movie Trilogy, with Nastassja Kinski
1976 Kings of the Road Im Lauf der Zeit Third part of Wenders' Road Movie Trilogy
1977 The American Friend Der Amerikanische Freund Adaptation of Patricia Highsmith's novel Ripley's Game
1980 Lightning Over Water Documentary about the last days of Nicholas Ray
1982 Room 666 Chambre 666 Short documentary interviews directors on the future of cinema, including Steven Spielberg, Jean-Luc Godard, and Rainer Werner Fassbinder. Filmed at Cannes
1982 Reverse Angle Short film documents Wenders' disputes with Coppola during Hammett
1982 Hammett Fictional story about Dashiell Hammett, American writer; based on a novel by Joe Gores
1982 The State of Things Stand der Dinge
1984 Paris, Texas
1985 Tokyo-Ga Documentary about Japanese film director Yasujiro Ozu
1987 Wings of Desire Der Himmel über Berlin Written with Peter Handke
1989 Notebook on Cities and Clothes Aufzeichnungen zu Kleidern und Städten Documentary about Japanese fashion designer Yohji Yamamoto.
1990 Red Hot + Blue Music video for "Night and Day" performed by U2
1991 Until the End of the World Bis ans Ende der Welt
1992 Arisha, the Bear and the Stone Ring Arisha, der Bär und der steinerne Ring
1993 Faraway, So Close! In weiter Ferne, so nah! Sequel to Wings of Desire
1994 Lisbon Story Partially a sequel to The State of Things
1995 Beyond the Clouds Jenseits der Wolken (with Michelangelo Antonioni)
1995 The Brothers Skladanowsky Die Gebrüder Skladanowsky Also known as A Trick of the Light
1997 The End of Violence
1998 Willie Nelson at the Teatro
1999 Buena Vista Social Club Documentary about Cuban musicians; made with Ry Cooder
2000 The Million Dollar Hotel
2001 Souljacker Part 1 Music Video for "Souljacker Pt 1" by Eels
2002 Ode to Cologne: A Rock 'N' Roll Film Viel passiert - Der BAP-Film Documentary about the Cologne rock group BAP
2002 Ten Minutes Older Contributed segment "Twelve Miles to Trona"
2003 The Soul of a Man Documentary about Blues musicians
2004 Land of Plenty
2005 Don't Come Knocking
2008 Palermo Shooting
selected bibliography
* Wenders, Wim (1984), Paris, Texas, Nördlingen: Greno, ISBN 978-3921568118
* Wenders, Wim (1986), Emotion pictures: Essays und Filmkritiken, 1968-1984, Frankfurt: Verlag der Autoren, ISBN 978-3886610785
* Wenders, Wim (1989), Emotion pictures: reflections on cinema, London: Faber and Faber, ISBN 978-0571152711
* Shepard, Sam; Wenders, Wim (1991), Paris, Texas: Screenplay, New York: Ecco Press, ISBN 978-0880012669
* Wenders, Wim; Hofmann, Michael (1992), The logic of images: essays and conversations, London: Faber and Faber, ISBN 978-0571165179
* Wenders, Wim (1995), Die Zeit mit Antonioni: Chronik eines Films, Frankfurt: Verlag der Autoren, ISBN 978-3886611621
* Wenders, Wim; Handke, Peter (1998), Der Himmel über Berlin: Ein Filmbuch von Wim Wenders und Peter Handke, Berlin: Suhrkamp Verlag, ISBN 978-3518024065
* Wenders, Wim; Wenders, Donata (2000), The heart is a sleeping Beauty: the Million Dollar Hotel - a film book, New York: teNeues, ISBN 978-3823854685
* Wenders, Wim; Hofmann, Michael (2000), My time with Antonioni: the diary of an extraordinary experience, London: Faber and Faber, ISBN 978-0571200764
* Wenders, Wim (2001), Written in the West, New York: teNeues, ISBN 978-3823854692
* Wenders, Wim (2001), Once: pictures and stories, New York: D.A.P./Schirmer/Mosel, ISBN 978-1891024252
* Wenders, Wim; Hofmann, Michael (2001), On film: essays and conversations, London: Faber and Faber, ISBN 978-0571207183
* Lindbergh, Peter; Wenders, Wim (2002), Peter Lindbergh: stories, Santa Fe: Arena Editions, ISBN 978-1892041647
* Steinhilber, Berthold; Wenders, Wim (2003), Ghost towns of the American West, New York: Harry N. Abrams, ISBN 978-0810945081
* Wenders, Wim; Tawada, Yoko (2007), Where Europe begins, New York: New Directions Publishers, ISBN 978-0811217026
1974年可以说是文德斯事业的转折点,由于受到当时美国一些公路电影(如1969年的《逍遥骑士》(Easy Rider))的启发,也由于自己少年时对西部片的喜爱,文德斯开始拍摄属于自己的欧洲式的公路电影,并由此奠定了文德斯以后的创作方向,开始了他在光影世界里的漫漫流浪。从此以后,流浪与疏离成为文德斯电影永远的主角,文德斯也籍由这两个元素在银幕上创造出一个个充满诗意与虚空感的世界来。
令文德斯声名鹊起的是他的“旅行三部曲”:1974年的《爱丽丝漫游城市》(Alice in the Cities),1975年的《错误的举动》(The Wrong Move)和1976年的《公路之王》(Kings of the Road)。其中《错误的举动》讲述了一位作家为寻找灵感而游历,画面具有诗意的隐喻和富于哲学意味的象征内涵;《公路之王》则以写实的基调和独特的观照方式批判了俗媚的电影文化,同时也对70年代中期德国电影界的状况投以了深切的关注。1977年,公路电影代表之作《逍遥骑士》的导演Dennis Hopper更是和文德斯一起合作,拍摄了气氛神奇的影片《美国朋友》(The American Friend)。影片在纽约、汉堡、慕尼黑和巴黎之间来回跳跃,世界成为纠结在摩天大厦、地铁、高速公路、列车之间的神秘空间,从而散发出强烈的疏离感,令人难忘。
七十年代中后期,轰轰烈烈的“德国新电影”运动开始衰落,经济危机使得影市萧条,德国的电影导演们或是转投电视业或是前往国外。就在这个时候,一直关注着“德国新电影”运动的好莱坞著名导演弗朗西斯·科波拉向文德斯发出了前往美国拍片的邀请。自 1978年起,文德斯陆续拍摄了影片《哈默特》(Hammett)、《尼克的电影--水上的闪电》(Nick's Movie--Lightning Over Water)和《事物的状态》(The State of Things)。《哈默特》作为文德斯首次拍摄的好莱坞式电影作品,并没有能令科波拉满意,这部片子的大部分镜头都被科波拉要求重拍,以至影片的发行时间比预想中推迟了三年多。1982年的《事物的状态》却获得了联邦电影奖(前西德电影最高奖)和威尼斯电影节金狮奖,开始确立他在国际影坛的地位。
1983年的《德州巴黎》(Paris, Texas)使文德斯摘取了第37届戛纳电影节金棕榈奖的桂冠,这部被称为“标志着文德斯美国化倾向的高峰”的影片成功的表现了人的孤独以及人与人之间的隔膜。影片主要在美国西南部的沙漠里拍摄,影像风格极其鲜明,文德斯创造出极为宽广的银幕空间,从而成功展现出充斥在故事主角生命里的虚空感。
虽然《德州巴黎》是一部非常成功的作品,但是文德斯似乎还是更喜欢在欧洲拍片。也正是在自己的祖国,文德斯拍摄出了他最广为人知也最受好评的一部电影——《柏林苍穹下》(Wings of Desire)。影片讲述了一个渴望下凡的天使的故事,尼古拉斯·凯奇和梅格·瑞恩98年主演的《天使多情》(City of Angles)就是《柏林苍穹下》的好莱坞通俗版。这部影片也使文德斯获得了1988年第41届戛纳电影节的最佳导演奖,使得他在世界影坛上真正确立了的自己的地位。
但是文德斯并没有满足,而是在以后的创作中不断丰富和扩充着自己的电影世界。1991年的《直到世界尽头》(Until the End of the World )拍摄于全球四大洲,影片在皓渺的氛围里讲述了一个关于世界末日的奇妙寓言,被称为“终极公路电影”。1993年的《咫尺天涯》(Far Away, So Close)以俯视的角度观察德国统一后社会景观的变化;而在两年后的《云上的日子》里,文德斯则和意大利传奇导演米开朗基罗·安东尼奥尼一起探讨了爱与欲望的问题,影片摄制于欧洲数个国家,也是一部巧妙借用公路片形式的电影。文德斯不断地在公路电影的基础上嫁接与派生着新的元素,同时也改造着传统公路片的形式。他越来越喜欢在城市里表现流浪的状态,将现代社会里孤独与疏离的状态描述得愈加生动。在1997年的《暴力启示录》(The End of Violence)里,文德斯描写了暴力的外在表现,试图从一个新的角度来探讨现代社会里的暴力问题。1996年拍摄的《光之幻影》(A Trick of the Light)“记录”了许多对电影的发展做出贡献却被遗忘的人们,表达了文德斯对电影历史的缅怀与敬意。
有鉴于文德斯电影创作理念中观察者的姿态与感觉,他也非常钟爱纪录片的拍摄。他一共拍过7部纪录片,其中1985年《东京之行》是一部关于文德斯的偶像导演小津安二郎的纪录片,相当引人注目。1998年描写古巴音乐风情的《乐满夏湾拿》(Buena Vista Social Club)广受好评,文德斯与为他制作了《德州巴黎》的音乐人瑞·库德(Ry Cooder)再次成功合作,展现了他自己一直深喜着的美洲音乐的迷人魅力。同时文德斯也非常喜欢摇滚乐,他曾说过:“今天摇滚与电影的联系比以往任何时候都要紧密,文学、戏剧和绘画看来似乎与电影的联系更紧密,却远没有摇滚来得贴和时代、准确直接。”文德斯2000年新片《百万大酒店》(The Million Dollar Hotel)的配乐就是由著名摇滚乐队U2的主脑Bono主刀炮制的。文德斯再次将音乐与画面贴和在一起,创造出赏心悦目的声色迷情来,影片讲述了发生在某座酒店大厦里一桩命案的诸多瓜葛。这部地点不变的电影似乎是文德斯电影里流浪的某种终结,而我却宁愿相信,这不过是他不归的流浪之路上的一个小小的 Motel(公路旅馆)而已。
1970年 《城市之夏》
1971年 《守门员害怕罚点球》
1972年 《红字》
1974年 《爱丽丝漫游城市》
1975年 《错误的举动》
1976年 《公路之王》
1977年 《美国朋友》
1980年 《尼克的电影——水上的闪电》
1982年 《哈默特》
1982年 《事物的状态》
1983年 《德州巴黎》
1985年 《东京之行》
1987年 《柏林苍穹下》
1989年 《衣食住行事件簿》
1991年 《直到世界尽头》
1993年 《咫尺天涯》
1994年 《里斯本的故事》
1995年 《云上的日子》
1996年 《光之幻影》
1997年 《暴力启示录》
1998年 《乐满夏湾拿》
2000年 《百万大酒店》
Early life
Wenders graduated from the Gymnasium (high school) in Oberhausen, in the Ruhr area. He then studied medicine (1963-64) and philosophy (1964-65) in Freiburg and Düsseldorf. However, he dropped out of school and moved to Paris in October 1966 to become a painter. Wenders failed his entry test at France's national film school IDHEC (La Fémis at present), so instead became an engraver in the studio of Johnny Friedlander, an American artist, in Montparnasse. During this time, Wenders became fascinated with cinema, and saw up to 5 movies a day at the local movie theater.
Set on making his obsession also his life's work, Wenders returned to Germany in 1967 to work in the Düsseldorf office of United Artists. That fall, he entered the "Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film München" (University of Television and Film Munich). Between 1967 and 1970 while at the "HFF", Wenders also worked as a film critic for FilmKritik, then the Munich daily newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung, Twen magazine, and Der Spiegel.
Wenders completed several short films before graduating from the Hochschule with a feature-length 16mm black and white film, Summer in the City.
Career and awards
Wenders (now represented by James Cohan Gallery) began his career with the rise of the New German Cinema at the end of the 1960s, making his feature directorial debut with Summer in the City (1970). Awards that he has received include the Golden Lion for The State of Things at the Venice Film Festival (1982), the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival (1984) for his movie Paris, Texas, and Best Direction for Wings of Desire in the 1987 Bavarian Film Awards[1] and the 1987 Cannes Film Festival. Wenders was awarded honorary doctorates at the Sorbonne in Paris in 1989 and at the Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium in 2005. In 1993 he again won the Bavarian Film Awards for Best Director.[2] He was awarded the Leopard of Honour at the Locarno International Film Festival in 2005.
Much of the cinematography in his movies was as a result of a highly productive collaboration with Dutch cinematographer Robby Müller. He also worked with the Austrian writer Peter Handke, adapting Handke's novel The Goalie's Anxiety at the Penalty Kick for his second feature film, The Goalkeeper's Fear of the Penalty and Handke collaborated with Wenders on Wings of Desire. He co-wrote Until the End of the World starring actress and romantic interest Solveig Dommartin.
He has directed several highly acclaimed documentaries, most notably Buena Vista Social Club (1999) about Cuban musicians, and The Soul of a Man (2003) on American blues.
Wenders has directed many music videos for U2, including "Stay (Faraway, So Close!)" and a number of television commercials including a UK advertisement for Carling Premier Canadian beer. His book, Emotion Pictures - a collection of diary essays written while a film student - was broadcast as a series of plays on BBC Radio 3, featuring Peter Capaldi as Wenders, with Gina McKee, Saskia Reeves, Dennis Hopper, Harry Dean Stanton and Ricky Tomlinson, dramatised by Neil Cargill.
Wenders is also a member of the advisory board of World Cinema Foundation. The project was founded by Martin Scorsese and aimed at finding and reconstructing world cinema films that have been long neglected.
selected Exhibitions
Wim Wenders: Immagini dal pianeta terra, Scuderie del Quirinale, Rome, Italy Journey to Onomichi – Photos by Wim and Donata Wenders, Omotesando Hills, Tokyo, Japan Pictures from the Surface of the Earth, images from touring exhibition, Salon of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Belgrade, Yugoslavia Dark Places, curated by Joshua Decter, Santa Monica Museum of Art, Santa Monica, CA
The Forest: Politics, Poetics, and Practice, Nasher Museum of Art at Duke University, Durham, NC Through the Lens, group exhibition, C. Grimaldis Gallery, Baltimore, MD
Pictures from the Surface of the Earth, ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum, Århus C, Denmark
Pictures from the Surface of the Earth, Australia and Japan, James Cohan Gallery, New York, NY Between The Lines, group exhibition, James Cohan Gallery, New York, NY Images of Time and Place: Contemporary Views of Landscape, group exhibition, Lehman College Art Gallery, Bronx, NY Wim Wenders, Galleria Marabini, Bologna, Italy Through the Lens: Eight Photographers, group exhibition, C. Grimaldis Gallery, Baltimore, Maryland.
Wim Wenders, James Cohan Gallery, New York, NY Wim Wenders, Galerie Judin Belot, Zurich, Switzerland
Pictures from the Surface of the Earth, touring exhibition: Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin (2001), Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao (2002), Haunch of Venison, London (2003); Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney (2003); City Art Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand; Millennium Art Museum, Beijing, China; Shanghai Museum of Art, Shanghai, China; Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, China (2004)
Buena Vista Social Club, Rose Gallery, Bergamot Station, Santa Monica, CA
Wim Wenders: Landscape and Memory, Gallery of Contemporary Photography, Santa Monica Wim Wenders: Photos, in conjunction with the publication, Wim Wenders: Photos, Munich Goethe Institute (1996), Goethe Institutes worldwide
Wim Wenders: Landscape and Memory, Gallery of Contemporary Photography, Santa Monica, CA
Wim Wenders Photo Exhibition, in conjunction with the publication, Once, Munich: Schirmer/ Mosel (2001), touring exhibition: Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome (1993); Villa delle Rose, Bologna (1994); FNAC, Paris (1994); Parco, Tokyo (1994); FNAC, Berlin (1995); Villa Rufolo, Ravello (1995)
Wim Wenders Photographs, touring exhibition: Galerie F. C Gundlach, Hamburg (1989); Galerie Marie-Louise Wirth, Zürich (1990); Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film, Munich (1991); Fahey/Klein Gallery, Los Angeles (1991); Shibuya Seibu Dept. Store, Tokyo (1992); Kiyomizu
Temple, Kyoto (1992); Musée de L'Elysée, Lausanne (1992); Amerika Haus, Berlin (1992); Venice Biennale (1993); Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebaek (1993); Sala Parpallo Palau Dels Scala, Valencia (1994); San Telmo Museum, San Sebastian (1994)
Written in the West, in conjunction with the publication, Written in the West, Munich: Schirmer/Mosel (1987), touring exhibition: Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris (1986); Encontros de Fotografia, Coimbra (1987); Palazzo della Triennale di Milano (1988); Film Society of Miami (1988); Goethe Institut, Stockholm (1988); Goethe Institut, Copenhagen (1988); Saint-Yrieix-La-Perche (1990); Städtische Galerie Schwarzes Kloster, Freiburg (Breisgau) (1992)
Year Title German title Summary
1970 Summer in the City First full length feature film (Dedicated to The Kinks)
1972 The Goalkeeper's Fear of the Penalty (UK) or The Goalie's Anxiety at the Penalty Kick (USA) Die Angst des Tormanns beim Elfmeter Adaptation of a novel by Peter Handke
1973 The Scarlet Letter Der Scharlachrote Buchstabe Adapted from the novel by Nathaniel Hawthorne
1974 Alice in the Cities Alice in den Städten First part of Wenders' Road Movie Trilogy
1975 The Wrong Move Falsche Bewegung Second part of Wenders' Road Movie Trilogy, with Nastassja Kinski
1976 Kings of the Road Im Lauf der Zeit Third part of Wenders' Road Movie Trilogy
1977 The American Friend Der Amerikanische Freund Adaptation of Patricia Highsmith's novel Ripley's Game
1980 Lightning Over Water Documentary about the last days of Nicholas Ray
1982 Room 666 Chambre 666 Short documentary interviews directors on the future of cinema, including Steven Spielberg, Jean-Luc Godard, and Rainer Werner Fassbinder. Filmed at Cannes
1982 Reverse Angle Short film documents Wenders' disputes with Coppola during Hammett
1982 Hammett Fictional story about Dashiell Hammett, American writer; based on a novel by Joe Gores
1982 The State of Things Stand der Dinge
1984 Paris, Texas
1985 Tokyo-Ga Documentary about Japanese film director Yasujiro Ozu
1987 Wings of Desire Der Himmel über Berlin Written with Peter Handke
1989 Notebook on Cities and Clothes Aufzeichnungen zu Kleidern und Städten Documentary about Japanese fashion designer Yohji Yamamoto.
1990 Red Hot + Blue Music video for "Night and Day" performed by U2
1991 Until the End of the World Bis ans Ende der Welt
1992 Arisha, the Bear and the Stone Ring Arisha, der Bär und der steinerne Ring
1993 Faraway, So Close! In weiter Ferne, so nah! Sequel to Wings of Desire
1994 Lisbon Story Partially a sequel to The State of Things
1995 Beyond the Clouds Jenseits der Wolken (with Michelangelo Antonioni)
1995 The Brothers Skladanowsky Die Gebrüder Skladanowsky Also known as A Trick of the Light
1997 The End of Violence
1998 Willie Nelson at the Teatro
1999 Buena Vista Social Club Documentary about Cuban musicians; made with Ry Cooder
2000 The Million Dollar Hotel
2001 Souljacker Part 1 Music Video for "Souljacker Pt 1" by Eels
2002 Ode to Cologne: A Rock 'N' Roll Film Viel passiert - Der BAP-Film Documentary about the Cologne rock group BAP
2002 Ten Minutes Older Contributed segment "Twelve Miles to Trona"
2003 The Soul of a Man Documentary about Blues musicians
2004 Land of Plenty
2005 Don't Come Knocking
2008 Palermo Shooting
selected bibliography
* Wenders, Wim (1984), Paris, Texas, Nördlingen: Greno, ISBN 978-3921568118
* Wenders, Wim (1986), Emotion pictures: Essays und Filmkritiken, 1968-1984, Frankfurt: Verlag der Autoren, ISBN 978-3886610785
* Wenders, Wim (1989), Emotion pictures: reflections on cinema, London: Faber and Faber, ISBN 978-0571152711
* Shepard, Sam; Wenders, Wim (1991), Paris, Texas: Screenplay, New York: Ecco Press, ISBN 978-0880012669
* Wenders, Wim; Hofmann, Michael (1992), The logic of images: essays and conversations, London: Faber and Faber, ISBN 978-0571165179
* Wenders, Wim (1995), Die Zeit mit Antonioni: Chronik eines Films, Frankfurt: Verlag der Autoren, ISBN 978-3886611621
* Wenders, Wim; Handke, Peter (1998), Der Himmel über Berlin: Ein Filmbuch von Wim Wenders und Peter Handke, Berlin: Suhrkamp Verlag, ISBN 978-3518024065
* Wenders, Wim; Wenders, Donata (2000), The heart is a sleeping Beauty: the Million Dollar Hotel - a film book, New York: teNeues, ISBN 978-3823854685
* Wenders, Wim; Hofmann, Michael (2000), My time with Antonioni: the diary of an extraordinary experience, London: Faber and Faber, ISBN 978-0571200764
* Wenders, Wim (2001), Written in the West, New York: teNeues, ISBN 978-3823854692
* Wenders, Wim (2001), Once: pictures and stories, New York: D.A.P./Schirmer/Mosel, ISBN 978-1891024252
* Wenders, Wim; Hofmann, Michael (2001), On film: essays and conversations, London: Faber and Faber, ISBN 978-0571207183
* Lindbergh, Peter; Wenders, Wim (2002), Peter Lindbergh: stories, Santa Fe: Arena Editions, ISBN 978-1892041647
* Steinhilber, Berthold; Wenders, Wim (2003), Ghost towns of the American West, New York: Harry N. Abrams, ISBN 978-0810945081
* Wenders, Wim; Tawada, Yoko (2007), Where Europe begins, New York: New Directions Publishers, ISBN 978-0811217026
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