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Lisbon Story

FANHALL ID: if01652
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片名: Lisbon Story
其它片名: 里斯本的故事/Viagem a Lisboa
导演: Wim Wenders
编剧: Wim Wenders
制片人: Ulrich Felsberg, Wim Wenders, Paulo Branco, João Canijo
摄影: Lisa Rinzler
美术: Zé Branco
声音: André Bendocchi-Alves
剪辑: Peter Przygodda, Anne Schnee
主演: Patrick Bauchau, Rüdiger Vogler, Vasco Sequeira, Canto e Castro, Viriato Jose da Silva
音乐: Jürgen Knieper, Madredeus
片长: 100分钟
国别: 德国 / 葡萄牙
语言: 德语 葡萄牙语

影片概述 . . . . . .

I watched this movie a few days ago with the strong impression of having seen it before. Anyway my first impression as it started was great because I felt as lost as the personality on the screen and I am sure that was Wender's intention. We are first and foremost lost in translation as we are lost as tourists on the road to Lisbon. We are children once again. This film is marvelous. Definitely my favorite Wenders movie to date. It captures almost all the things which never cease to fascinate me such as the arts, music, travel, women, friendships, poetry......love. A pure example of how much more valuable it is to open the heart rather than the mind. A wonderful introduction to the music of Madredeus and definitely a great advertisement to visit Portugal which was already in my agenda 戏中主角是一位电影收音师,应导演朋友的越洋求助;要求他赶往里斯本为朋友的电影进行收音工作,他到后,却发觉朋友不知所终,于是他便根据朋友先前拍下的菲林(那是一出关于里斯本一小镇的纪录片),到朋友曾拍摄过的地方收音。后来收音师找到了导演朋友,知道他搁下影片的原因;导演对眼前的影像感到麻木,便想到用简单的器材(一台古老手搅式的摄影机),到里斯本拍摄一出简单的黑白电影,企图刻意罔顾电影巳发展的历史。但导演到了里斯本后,依然感到那份无力感,他说,以前影像是用来说故事的(Tell a story),但现今影像只是用来卖弄的(Sell a story),他根本无法用影像忠实地去纪绿一个地方。后来他索性采用另外一种拍摄方法,将一部手提摄录机搁在背上,由它开动,然后在小镇内到处走,纪录了的影像他看也不看便搁在一旁,如是者拍了好几十盒录像带。他认为不经过他眼睛观察的里斯本才是最忠实和客观的,更希望将纪录留给后人看而他则永远不看……  

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