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FANHALL ID: if01662
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片名: Tokyo-Ga
其它片名: 寻找小津
导演: Wim Wenders
编剧: Wim Wenders
制片人: Wim Wenders, Chris Sievernich
摄影: Edward Lachman
声音: Hartmut Eichgrün
剪辑: Wim Wenders, Solveig Dommartin, Jon Neuburger
主演: Werner Herzog, 笠智众, Yuuharu Atsuta
音乐: Laurent Petitgand
片长: 92分钟
年份: 1985年
类型: 纪录片
制作机构: Chris Sievernich Filmproduktion

影片概述 . . . . . .

Wim Wenders attempts to turn his first trip to Japan into a homage to Ozu and an exploration of Japanese modernity, contrasted with the images of a bygone era glimpsed in Tokyo Monogatari.

This is a deeply personal film, an unabashed pilgrimage by Wenders in search of his muse. His rambling narration, impenetrable at times, offers little insight on Japan. What first-time visitor can encapsulate a city as complex as Tokyo? The film works better on the subject of Ozu, the interviews with actor Chishu Ryu and cinematographer Yuuharu Atsuta offering glimpses of Ozu the man behind the icon. They also reveal the affecting power of cinema, both men clearly humbled and moved by the experience of collaborating with Ozu. The bottom line, however, is that this is a film about Wim Wenders, about his nascent stage as a filmmaker and how that came to fruition in the way it did. Fans of Wenders, rather than Ozu or Japanophiles, are the audience for this film.

Technically the film offers up a few gifts, the prime example being a glimpse of the craftsmanship that goes into the making of the ubiquitous wax food in restaurant display windows. Unlike the weekend rockabilly dancers, crowded commuter trains, or oppressive concrete and steel structures, this sequence brings something both long-term residents and those ignorant of Japan will find fresh and illuminating. Unfortunately, elsewhere the film is interspersed with interminable footage of being in a taxi, being in a train, men hitting golf balls... all protracted shots for no other reason than to add a touch of Ozu to the film. A funky, slightly disturbing score helps make these sequences bearable.

Tokyo-Ga is recommended for Wenders fans, and perhaps as nostalgia for anyone who spent a brief time in Japan in the mid-Eighties日本电影导演小津安二郎是国际影坛上备受尊崇的大师,欧美和亚洲的不少后时导演自认受到他的作品启发和影响,德国的维姆.文德斯就是其中之一。本片是维姆.文德斯对小津致敬之作,他在八十年代中期亲自跑到日本去追寻小津的足迹,以日记手法纪录他对东京这个城市的感觉。
  1982年温达斯在罗马一次放映会上,选择了日本导演小津安二郎(Yasujiro Ozu, 1903-63)的《东京物语》(Tokyo Monogatari, 1953),作为对自己电影工作有特别影响力的作品来播放,并触发拍摄这个属於自己版本的“东京物语”的念头。温氏声明并非本著朝圣的心态“寻找小津”,纵然他相信小津的留世作品最有资格被摆放在电影艺术的殿堂。他之所以推崇小津,是因小津“在掌握了经由美国推展及至全球的电影的语言后,竟能反过来从中调制出一种完全个人的景观;在拍摄某样事物时,能让事物保存原有的身份”。温氏总结对小津的赏析,在片初把电影的本质界定为“提供一个这个世纪人类的真实和可行的图像,从而让人能够认清自我”。顺带一提的是,温达斯的好友、奥藉剧作家汉德克(Peter Handke)在写作上渗用了小津的镜头叙事手法,同是温氏消化小津的另一途径。

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