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Der Himmel über Berlin

FANHALL ID: if01661
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片名: Der Himmel über Berlin
其它片名: 柏林苍穹下/对号入座
导演: Wim Wenders
编剧: Richard Reitinger, Peter Handke
制片人: Wim Wenders, Ingrid Windisch, Anatole Dauman, Pascale Dauman, Joachim von Mengershausen
摄影: Henri Alekan
美术: Peter Alteneder, Thierry Noir
声音: Hartmut Eichgrün, Jean-Paul Mugel, Axel Arft, Detlev Fichtner, Lothar Mankewitz, Uwe Thalmann
剪辑: Peter Przygodda
主演: Bruno Ganz, Otto Sander, Solveig Dommartin, Curt Bois, Peter Falk
音乐: Jürgen Knieper
片长: 127分钟
年份: 1987年
类型: 剧情
国别: 西德
语言: 德语
制作机构: Road Movies Filmproduktion

影片概述 . . . . . .

A calm and wonderful fantasy with such a simple vision that makes you want to believe in angels. Perhaps they are there... whenever my mood changes, seemingly unprompted, I always wonder.

Hijacked and debased by people who don't know any better (even U2, I'm afraid, and the American remake must be avoided at all costs - ideally it should be wiped from the record and the memories of all who saw it) this film has become iconic and has infected the imaginations of countless filmmakers. Look carefully and you will see its influence in the most unexpected places.柏林由两位天使守护着,一个是对人世疾苦冷眼旁观的卡西尔,另一个是常常感怀于人类疾苦的丹密尔(布鲁诺•甘茨 Bruno Ganz 饰)。二人穿着宽大的天使袍,在城市各处游荡,倾听人们的祈祷,默默观察人们的内心世界。马戏团玛瑞安(苏韦戈•多马丁Solveig Dommartin 饰)的心事引来了丹密尔的同情,因为马戏团经营不善,面临倒闭,玛瑞安满心烦恼。这个马戏团的天使演员令丹密尔动了凡心,他决定化作凡人,追求一段美满感情。

I always thought that one masterpiece is all that anyone can aspire to in life. Wim Wenders has made several but for me this one stands out above all others. My favourite film.

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