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Im Lauf der Zeit

FANHALL ID: if01671
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片名: Im Lauf der Zeit
其它片名: 公路之王/Kings of the Road
导演: Wim Wenders
编剧: Wim Wenders
制片人: Wim Wenders
摄影: Robby Müller, Martin Schäfer
声音: Martin Muller, Paul Schöler, Bruno Bollhalder
剪辑: Peter Przygodda
主演: Hanns Zischler, Rüdiger Vogler, Lisa Kreuzer
音乐: Axel Linstädt
片长: 175分钟
年份: 1977年
类型: 剧情
国别: 西德
语言: 德语 英语
制作机构: Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR)

影片概述 . . . . . .

Projection engineer Bruno Winter is pulled up alongside the River Elbe, as he sets about giving himself a shave a Volkswagen drives straight into the river in what seems to be a half hearted suicide attempt. The driver of the Volkswagen is woman troubled Robert, after getting to the river bank he finds Bruno to be a most interesting person, and the pair then set off on a road trip that will shape their respective lives and outlooks considerably.

Shot in 11 weeks between July 1st and October 31st 1975, Im Lauf der Zeit is now considered to be one of the seminal pictures of New German cinema. Director Wim Wenders and his crew set off along the Zonenrandgebiet with only an itinerary set in concrete, working completely without a script, his lead actors, Rudolf Vogler & Hanns Zischler manage to produce one of the most thought provokingly intelligent road movies to have ever been made.

There are many musings on this picture across internet forums, and although the film has very deep meanings, i really feel that it's down to the individual viewer to align themselves personally with our protagonists to get the most from the piece. Wenders clearly had deep feelings for German cinema, and here as the guys move from town to town, on Bruno's projection repair route, the feeling that film in this country is dying is quite palpable. This all ties in with the theme of change that is the core essence in Wenders film, it's not just our characters who need to wake up to the need for change, it's essentially his home country as well.

As the guys move on they meet people, they drink, talk, even fight, and it's all filmed in real time, we are forced to be part of this unlikely friendship, be it washing or shaving, or the act of defecating, it's all humane and sits perfectly as a normal way of life. Come the ending, after nearly three hours of engrossing cinema, we know what has been identified, not just for our two wonderful characters, but for all of us who may be wary of change. The black and white photography from Robby Muller is excellent, and manages to make the various landscapes the guys travel thru an extra character, but ultimately it's just one of a number of things that make Im Lauf der Zeit a truly smart film. My hope is that any newcomers to the film will get as much from it as i did, maybe something different perhaps?, but at the very least a recognition that this is a truly wonderful picture. 9/10 本片与《爱丽丝漫游城市》《错误的举动》合为维姆·文德斯的旅行三部曲。由于受到当时美国一些公路电影(如1969年的《逍遥骑士》)的启发,也由于自己少年时对西部片的喜爱,文德斯开始拍摄属于自己的欧洲式的公路电影,并由此奠定了文德斯以后的创作方向,开始了他在光影世界里的漫漫流浪。从此以后,流浪与疏离成为了文德斯电影永远的主角,文德斯也籍由这两个元素在银幕上创造出一个个充满诗情画意与虚空感的世界来。《公路之王》则以写实的基调和独特的观照方式批判了媚俗的电影文化,同时也对70年代中期德国电影界的状态投以了深切的关注。

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