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Don't Come Knocking

FANHALL ID: if01630
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片名: Don't Come Knocking
其它片名: 别来敲门
导演: Wim Wenders
编剧: Wim Wenders, Sam Shepard
制片人: Peter Schwartzkopff, Karsten Brünig, In-Ah Lee
摄影: Franz Lustig
美术: William Budge, Nicole Lobart
声音: Andrew Amondson
剪辑: Peter Przygodda, Oli Weiss
主演: James Roday, Jeffrey Vincent Parise, Majandra Delfino
音乐: T-Bone Burnett
片长: 122分钟
年份: 2005年
类型: 剧情
国别: 法国 瑞典 美国
语言: 英语
制作机构: Reverse Angle International

影片概述 . . . . . .

119 minutes – that's a relatively long runtime for a movie. But that doesn't have to mean it'll be boring. The sparse dialog in this movie isn't really what it's all about anyway. It's all about the emotions and the amazing pictures.

Sam Shepard portrays his role so wonderfully that you can sense his frustration with his life and his search for some meaning and his longing to change his ways.

Eva Marie Saint is equally adept at her portrayal of the old western actor's mom.

Jessica Lange, though, is truly outstanding. She steals the movie with one scene in particular and really deserves an award for her work in this film.

At the end of the day: this is Wim Wenders as we know him and as we like him best. 霍华德·史本斯(山姆·夏普德饰演)曾是个小有名气的西部片明星,但进入花甲之年的他已经风光不再。霍华德开始磕药、酗酒,整日花天酒地,以此来逃避生活巨大落差带来的痛苦。终于有一天,他下定决心脱离这种颓废无趣的生活。他从片场逃出,回到自己家乡内达华州。霍华德从家中的老母亲口中得知,有个女人曾经找过他,还声称带着他的一双儿女。这一消息如万丈晴光,令孤独糜废的霍华德重新燃起了对生活的希望。突然,一个叫萨特(蒂姆·罗斯饰)的私家侦探找上门来,他奉命将霍华德带回片场,无奈之下,霍华德只能再度逃跑,这一次,他决定去蒙塔纳洲寻找自己的儿女。


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