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Fanny och Alexander

FANHALL ID: if01597
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片名: Fanny och Alexander
其它片名: 芬尼与亚历山大/Fanny and Alexander
导演: Ingmar Bergman
编剧: Ingmar Bergman
制片人: Renzo Rossellini, Daniel Toscan du Plantier, Jörn Donner
摄影: Sven Nykvist
美术: Anna Asp
声音: Owe Svensson, Björn Gunnarsson, Bo Persson
剪辑: Sylvia Ingemarsson
主演: Pernilla Allwin, Bertil Guve, Börje Ahlstedt, Allan Edwall
音乐: Daniel Bell
片长: 312分钟
年份: 1982年
类型: 剧情
国别: 瑞典 法国 意大利
语言: 瑞典语 法语 意大利语 英语
制作机构: Cinematograph AB

影片概述 . . . . . .



  一年以后埃米莉向大家宣布她要结婚了,嫁给青年主教爱德华。亚历山大不喜欢爱德华主教,经常在背后骂他是尿盆屁盆。在埃米莉与爱德华的婚礼上亚历山大若隐若现地看见母亲身后的亡父奥斯卡。埃米莉带着亚历山大和芳妮住进主教爱德华的家。爱德华有母亲、姐姐和瘫痪的姨妈。爱德华的姐姐专横刻薄,她掌握着家庭大权。第一天埃米莉与爱德华母亲之间对于孩子的教育问题发生争执,亚历山大和芳妮就没吃晚饭,从此两个孩子在主教家经常受罚被关进小屋不准吃饭,特别是亚历山大与主教的矛盾日趋尖锐,埃米莉十分痛苦。夏天到了,埃米莉怀孕了。她去看望海伦娜,海伦娜非常怀念孙子孙女,从埃米莉处了解孩子们的遭遇很不安,请老友伊萨克帮忙,伊萨克是犹太古董商。一天伊萨克坐着一辆大车到主教府,声称已和主教谈妥要买走他家的一口大箱子和一个柜子,因为爱德华手头拮据负债累累。伊萨克把芳妮与亚历山大藏入大箱子带出了主教府。伊萨克还利用两个会魔法的侄子用意念摇控发功,让主教即瘫痪在床的姨妈把油灯打翻在地,引起火灾,也烧着了爱德华的母亲及昏睡中的爱德华主教,全家都烧死了,而埃米莉及时逃离了主教家。从此芬妮、亚历山大和爱米莉又与海伦娜一起住在那幢豪华的大房子里,一家人享受着天伦之乐。Fanny and Alexander" (1982) was announced at the time of its release as Ingmar Bergman's swan song, his last film for the big screen. It is his most optimistic and enchanting blend of romance, tragedy, comedy, fantasy, and mysticism. Set in Sweden in the beginning of the 20th century, the film follows the lives and adventures of two children, brother and sister Fanny and Alexander Edkahl.

I love Bergman in every mood and in every genre - I love him dark, bleak, harrowing ("Shame"), mysterious ("Persona"), merciless and devastating ("Scenes from a Marriage, "Face to Face", "Autumn Sonata). I love his lighter, smiling side ("Wild Strawberries", "Smiles of a Summer Night). Even for a master of Bergman's powerful talent, "Fanny and Alexander" is extraordinary - a profound film which is also one of his most accessible works.

Pablo Picasso said once, "When I was 9 years old, I could paint like Rafael; as an adult, all my life I tried to learn how to paint like a child". In his final film, one of the greatest masters of dark and sometimes morose psychological studies looks at the world with a child's eye. The words he chose to finish his film with reflect the hope, the happiness and the magic that can be fully felt only in one's childhood: "...Anything can happen, anything is possible. Time and space do not exist. ..On a flimsy ground of reality, imagination spins out and waves new patterns." --- August Strindberg's introductory notes for A Dream Play.

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