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Skepp till India land

FANHALL ID: if01326
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片名: Skepp till India land
导演: Ingmar Bergman
编剧: Ingmar Bergman, Martin Söderhjelm
制片人: Lorens Marmstedt
摄影: Göran Strindberg
声音: Lars Nordberg, Per Lönndahl, Sven Josephson
剪辑: Tage Holmberg
主演: Birger Malmsten, Holger Löwenadler, Anna Lindahl
音乐: Erland von Koch
片长: 98分钟
年份: 1947年
类型: 剧情
国别: 瑞典
语言: 瑞典语
制作机构: Sveriges Folkbiografer

影片概述 . . . . . .

But it's not one of his best. The characterizations of the film's protagonists are inconsistent from scene to scene and some of them leave a viewer with many unanswered questions (like the mother's motivations.) Beyond that, the cinematography is pretty dowdy, particularly the exterior footage.

Still, it has elements that Bergman fans will recognize from his more famous films, and it contains sequences of despair and anguish that can haunt a viewer days later. Birger Malmsten, who plays the lead character Johannes and who will be seen in several later Bergman films, is immensely likable and compelling as the hunchback son who finally stands up to his despotic father. While many of the early Bergman films are uninteresting at almost every level ("Port of Call," for instance) this one is well worth a look for the hard core Bergmaniac, if you can find it.

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