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En Lektion i kärlek

FANHALL ID: if01337
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片名: En Lektion i kärlek
其它片名: 恋爱课程
导演: Ingmar Bergman
编剧: Ingmar Bergman
制片人: Allan Ekelund
摄影: Martin Bodin
声音: Sven Hansen
剪辑: Oscar Rosander
主演: Eva Dahlbeck, Gunnar Björnstrand, Yvonne Lombard
音乐: Dag Wirén
片长: 96分钟
年份: 1954年
国别: 瑞典
语言: 瑞典语
制作机构: Svensk Filmindustri (SF)

影片概述 . . . . . .

Though not exactly a comedy in the usual sense of the word this more rewarding than any movie full of laughs but devoid of substance. I don't think Bergman's movies can be easily classed under narrow genres, even the lightest are quite complex. This movie in spite of its light touch poses a series of problems related to marriage and its shortcomings and what happens when the flames start to die etc. I don't really communicate personally with all these issues as I am sure others do. But the atmosphere of the movie is extraordinary, you almost wish it not to end. I have to admit that I was swept away by the Bergman of the fifties, having come to know most of his later, groundbreaking efforts. Before Nykvist, von Sydow, Ulman etc. the master produced some of the richest, warm and touching movies I have ever seen. Though it's a long shot, I have seen this kind of love for human kind, in its complexity, only in Fellini's movies of the same period. A Lesson in Love alongside Smiles of a Summer Night are worth seeing for Bergman fans, to have the full image of the man's capabilities, and for those who love cinema with a heart. May he rest in peace

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