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Sjunde inseglet, Det

FANHALL ID: if01341
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片名: Sjunde inseglet, Det
其它片名: 第七封印/Det Sjunde inseglet
导演: Ingmar Bergman
编剧: Ingmar Bergman
制片人: Allan Ekelund
摄影: Gunnar Fischer
剪辑: Lennart Wallén
主演: Gunnar Björnstrand, Bengt Ekerot, Nils Poppe
音乐: Erik Nordgren
片长: 96分钟
年份: 1957年
国别: 瑞典
语言: 瑞典语/拉丁语
制作机构: Svensk Filmindustri (SF)

影片概述 . . . . . .

This classic is filled with a lot of memorable images - from the opening scenes on the seashore to the effective concluding shots, creative thoughts are combined with some fine camera work. There are several significant or interesting questions raised by the characters - from the imagery of the "Seventh Seal" in Revelation, to their simple but important concerns about eternity - but it is the way that the visuals play off of the ideas that make the movie so worthwhile.

The recreation of the medieval world is convincing and effective, with a lot of detail to set off a varied assortment of characters with different personalities and perspectives. The characters are not necessarily very deep, but most are interesting, and are worth caring about. The ways that they deal with their discouraging situation make you wonder what it would have been like to live in their world. It's also a movie that in some respects is even better to watch over again, after you already know what has happened and can then pick up even more of the detail and imagery.

No doubt the somber tone and slow pace will always keep it from being widely popular, and it's not perfect, but it's satisfying in a different way, and deserves its reputation as a classic.

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——2009-03-20 14:52:05,4444上传

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