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Permanent Vacation

FANHALL ID: if01787
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片名: Permanent Vacation
导演: Jim Jarmusch
编剧: Jim Jarmusch
制片人: Jim Jarmusch
摄影: Tom DiCillo, James A. Lebovitz
声音: Kevin Dowd
剪辑: Jim Jarmusch
主演: Sara Driver, Richard Boes, Ruth Bolton, María Duval, Frankie Faison
音乐: Jim Jarmusch, John Lurie
片长: 75分钟
国别: 美国
语言: 英语

影片概述 . . . . . .

I've bought today a full collection of Jarmusch movies on DVD. Before this one i've seen only 3 latest films directed by him (excluding Broken Flowers). So i've decided to begin my friendship with Jim from this movie. This' Jarmusch first feature presentation. Young boy is bored of his way of living and decided to do something. That's all! Film's countdown is 2.5 days. In this 2.5 days Parker walking through the city, talking to unknown peoples. Maybe this may sound very uninteresting, but believe me the plot is great for debut. But the genius part is Parker's monologue in the beginning. Jarmusch visions are stable for long 25 years. Picture structure in every film. The movie is worth watching it, but in fact the most ugliest thing is actor play.

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