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FANHALL ID: if01283
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(共 1 人评价)
片名: Satansbraten
其它片名: 撒旦一击/Satan's Brew
导演: Rainer Werner Fassbinder
编剧: Rainer Werner Fassbinder
制片人: Michael Fengler, Hanns Eckelkamp
摄影: Michael Ballhaus, Jürgen Jürges
声音: Rolf-Peter Notz, Paul Schöler
剪辑: Thea Eymèsz
主演: Kurt Raab, Margit Carstensen, Helen Vita
音乐: Peer Raben
片长: 112分钟
年份: 1975年
类型: 剧情
国别: 德国
语言: 德语
制作机构: Albatros Filmproduktion

影片概述 . . . . . .

It seemed as though the film crew was inebriated during the entire filming. When a drunk sobers up he finds that what seemed like masterful writing is actually junk! I kept hoping it would improve but it stayed at an unfortunate one rating.

So this is a warning that this film is terrible and without any saving grace. I admire Fassbinder as a director and he has made some fine films but for some reason he lost it on this one.

It is supposed to be a comedy but I found no humor in it, black or otherwise. Even the nude scenes don't help the film. There is absolutely no story line or reason for making this film.

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