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The Little Chaos

FANHALL ID: if01253
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片名: The Little Chaos
其它片名: 小混乱
导演: Rainer Werner Fassbinder
编剧: Rainer Werner Fassbinder
摄影: Michael Fengler, Josef Jung
主演: Michael Fengler, Christoph Roser, Susanne Schimkus, Thomas Fengler
片长: 10分钟
年份: 1966年
类型: 短片
国别: 德国
语言: 德语
制作机构: Roser Film

影片概述 . . . . . .

那时好青涩的法斯宾得。Theo (Christoph Roser), Marite (Marite Greiselis), and Franz (Fassbinder) cannot make any money selling magazines door to door -- not even from a Frau Eder (played by Fassbinder's mother). Franz grouses, "I'd like to see a gangster movie that ends well for once." The three friends use their knowledge of American crime movies to rob, and in Franz's case to humiliate, a woman. Among other things, he asks her point blank, "Do you love the Führer?" She does not know what to say. Theo apologetically explains that "Sometimes he goes a little crazy." As the three robbers ask each other what they are going to do with the money, Franz says, "I'm going to the movies!" Cut to the three bounding out of the apartment building, to make a clean getaway in their Volkswagen.

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——2009-03-16 17:25:27,4444上传

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