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Ich will doch nur, daß ihr mich liebt

FANHALL ID: if01282
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片名: Ich will doch nur, daß ihr mich liebt
其它片名: 我只要你爱我/I Just Want You to Love Me
导演: Rainer Werner Fassbinder
编剧: Klaus Antes, Christiane Erhardt
制片人: Peter Märthesheimer
摄影: Michael Ballhaus
声音: Christian Hohoff
剪辑: Liesgret Schmitt-Klink
主演: Vitus Zeplichal, Elke Aberle, Alexander Allerson
音乐: Peer Raben
片长: 104分钟
年份: 1975年
类型: 剧情
国别: 德国
语言: 德语

影片概述 . . . . . .

for German TV, this demonstration of the adage that You Can't Buy Love is shot in a quasi-documentary style that evokes the British lumpenprole aesthetic of Mike Leigh and Ken Loach. But Fassbinder is no social-worker/muckraker; this tale of a guy who just wants a little tenderness has the lockstep tragedic structure of Racine or Aeschylus. As in most of Fassbinder's best work, like FOX AND HIS FRIENDS, the impulse toward melodrama is naked and unashamed. The score, by Peer Raben, exceeds his most brilliant efforts. And the last line, and the hero's reaction, caught in nightmarish freeze-frame, stands as one of Fassbinder's greatest masterstrokes.

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