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FANHALL ID: if01275
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片名: Martha
其它片名: 玛塔/深闺怨妇
导演: Rainer Werner Fassbinder
编剧: Cornell Woolrich
制片人: Peter Märthesheimer
摄影: Michael Ballhaus
声音: Hans Pampuch, Manfred Oelschlegel
剪辑: Liesgret Schmitt-Klink
主演: Margit Carstensen, Barbara Valentin, Karlheinz Böhm
片长: 116分钟
年份: 1973年
类型: 剧情
国别: 德国
语言: 德语

影片概述 . . . . . .

No one can deny the poise,finesse and grace with which Fassbinder has directed some of the most charming women characters. This quality is currently being imbibed by some of the most talented filmmakers like Todd Haynes in USA and François Ozon in France. In this particular melodramatic film,Fassbinder is at his best and there is strong belief in the minds of true cinema admirers that "Martha" would surely rank as one of his best films.Initially the setting in Italy helps the film to build its momentum but it reaches feverish pitch once the events start to unfold in Germany. The two main actors are captivating. Karl Heinz Boehm has given a chilling performance as a bizarre husband. Looking at him no one can make out whether he truly loves his wife or troubling his wife sadistically remains his past time. Margit Cartensen is great too as the wife suffering humiliation at the hands of a man she thought loved him. To my mind, Martha would be of higher interest to all those who are keen on learning more about the depiction of women in new German cinema.

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