
FANHALL ID: im10033
姓名: | 毛晨雨 |
性别: | 男 |
生日: | 不详 |
影人概述: . . . . . .
Bio-filmography of Director:
Born in Hunan Province,Mao Chenyu graduated as an engineering major from Tongji University in 2000.Since then he has been engaged in anthropological film production.He established the Second Text Laboratory in 2006 to continue the practice of his film concepts,representing the diversity of ethnic groups and restoring the absence of history. His films include the documentaries Soul Mountain(2003), Human, Ghost, God(2004),A Story of Zeng Wuhua(2006), The Tale of Making a Vow(2008), Ximaojia Universe(2009),Triumph of the Will(2010),and the fiction films Dajiang Meeting a Ghost(2007)and The Tale of Two Sisters(2007).
Bio-filmography of Director:
Born in Hunan Province,Mao Chenyu graduated as an engineering major from Tongji University in 2000.Since then he has been engaged in anthropological film production.He established the Second Text Laboratory in 2006 to continue the practice of his film concepts,representing the diversity of ethnic groups and restoring the absence of history. His films include the documentaries Soul Mountain(2003), Human, Ghost, God(2004),A Story of Zeng Wuhua(2006), The Tale of Making a Vow(2008), Ximaojia Universe(2009),Triumph of the Will(2010),and the fiction films Dajiang Meeting a Ghost(2007)and The Tale of Two Sisters(2007).
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fanhallfilm, 4444
毛晨雨导演的影片 . . . . . .
毛晨雨摄影的影片 . . . . . .
毛晨雨剪辑的影片 . . . . . .
相关资讯 . . . . . .
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