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FANHALL ID: if03497
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片名: 寻欢作乐
其它片名: /The High Life
导演: 赵大勇
编剧: 赵大勇
制片人: 赵大勇, 班志远, 张献民, 曹仁伟, 陈刚
摄影: 薛刚, 庞小龙
美术: 王荐
声音: 魏春易, 高裕铭, 张兵
剪辑: 赵大勇, 魏春易
主演: 沈少裘, 邱宏, 刘彦斐, 粟庆贻, 凋垒, 王腾, 曹明月, 王英, 吴荣基, 李振国, 黄群英
音乐: 挚颖, 梅梅
片长: 96分钟
年份: 2010年
类型: 剧情
国别: 中国
语言: 普通话 粵語
格式: 高清

影片概述 . . . . . .

「我戴著避孕套寫作……」看守所民警原來是詩人,用下流詩歌釋放心靈,並讓犯人朗讀他的作品,在囚室尋覓知音。 另一邊廂,騙子訛稱可替人找工作,從中騙取介紹費,女友央他一起遠走,他卻情傾髮廊少女,以為發財便能解憂,在官黑勾結的南方城市,內心唯一淨土是披上戲服練習造手的時刻。 趙大勇由紀錄片邁向劇情片創作,請來「垃圾派」詩人典裘沽酒(沈紹裘)粉墨登場演回自己,藉兩個男人的廣州故事,展示敗壞年代的困惑與抵抗。 Ming, who lives in a crowded urban village slum in Guangzhou, has no goals or ambitions. He scrapes out an existence by running a phony employment agency, scamming money out of desperate new arrivals. He derives some petty satisfaction by creating a collage on his bedroom wall out of the photos of his scam victims. His only other escape from his rock-bottom life of the urban village is his daily Chinese opera routine, which he performs on the rooftop of his apartment building. Jian Ming also secretly passes time with Ah Fang, a young mistress kept by a wealthier patron in an apartment in the urban village.
The arrival one day of a fresh-faced young migrant named Xiao Ya jostles Jian Ming out of his malaise. Xiao Ya has come to the city in search of work, and for the first time ever Jian Ming seriously considers how he might give her a real leg up. He introduces her to a sleazy hair salon in the village, taking an under-the-table finders fee from the salon’s owner. This business exchange weighs on Jian Ming’s conscience, and he often goes to the salon to speak with Xiao Ya. The two grow closer and closer. Before long, the mistress Ah Fang grows to despise her elderly patron. She presses Jian Ming to leave the village with her and start a new life. But tensions grow between them, as Jian Ming must face the fact that he has never truly loved Ah Fang. Meanwhile, Jian Ming continues to visit to Xiao Ya at the salon, where their friendship deepens.
One day, as Jian Ming and Xiao Ya are hanging out, Brother Hui, the local gang leader, comes into the salon for a massage. Jian Ming stands powerless outside as Brother Hui rapes Xiao Ya in the back room. Jian Ming leaves the salon in a fury and later attacks Brother Hui in one of the village’s dark alleys.
Brother Hui’s attack on Xiao Ya sends Jian Ming into a deep funk. His friend Ren finally convinces him to take part in a pyramid sales scheme, but Guangzhou police raid the meeting and take Jian Ming into custody.
The film then turns to Dian Qiu, a police prison guard who is an aspiring poet. Dian Qiu’s greatest joy is hearing others read his poetry, and each day he foists his notebook on prisoners and forces them to recite the poems for the others. Those who refuse to read Dian’s poetry are placed in solitary confinement.

导演阐述 . . . . . .


The modern city, crowded and chaotic, can grow around us like an enclosure, making it impossible for us to see the world and our lives for what they are.
Our world is changing so rapidly and with such ferocity that sometimes we can’t catch up. Outside the old urban village slums in booming Chinese cities like Guangzhou, brand new skyscrapers rise up like massive walls closing in. For some poor residents of these islands in the city, these walls represent hope and the future. Others find in them a false sense of security. But as survival becomes harder and harder, our very humanity is exposed, raw and naked.

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新人求解 [展开/收起]
zxmdoyen   2010-03-18 14:14:35   2回应
想入这部片 不知哪能买到 啊?现象有吗?。。。

幕后花絮 . . . . . . (上传花絮) (展开所有)

「我戴著避孕套寫作……」看守所民警原來是詩人,用下流詩歌釋放心靈,並讓犯人朗讀他的作品,在囚室尋覓知音。 另一邊廂,騙子訛稱可替人找工作,從中騙取介紹費,女友央他一起遠走,他卻情傾髮廊少女,以為發財便能解憂,在官黑勾結的南方城市,內心唯一淨土是披上戲服練習造手的時刻。 趙大勇由紀錄片邁向劇情片創作,請來「垃圾派」詩人典裘沽酒(沈紹裘)粉墨登場演回自己,藉兩個男人的廣州故事,展示敗壞年代的困惑與抵抗。

Directed by ZHAO DAYONG
Assistant director LI QING
Screenplay by ZHAO DAYONG
Sound editor WEI CHUNYI
Cinematography by XUE GANG
Production design by WANG JIAN
Set engineering by ZHAO GUANGJUN and REN JIANDONG
——2010-03-01 23:44:38,4444上传

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