2011年鹿特丹电影节完整片单公布 12部华语作品参展

2011-01-21 16:15:34 何永盛 (北京 山东)

2011-01-21 23:27:25 dogma_2001 (应亮)
1.Return of the Tiger
2.Not Kidding
3.Raiding Africa
1.Return of the Tiger
2.Not Kidding
3.Raiding Africa

2011-01-22 12:05:08 孤岛 (北京)
嗯,return of the tiger项目确实非常有意思,包括提到的verbeek的新片Club Zeus,就是他在第一部作品和第二部作品R U There之间得闲拍的,这个单元关注“老人们”的创作动态,
另外在今年Raiding Africa之前,去年鹿特丹就做了Forgot Africa,今年算是这个单元的姊妹篇吧。看来现在国际影展在发掘和扶植了东南亚新浪潮之后,开始思量着进军非洲了.....正常,第三电影喊了那么多年,亚拉的电影已经小有成就了,确实也该到非洲了。
另外在今年Raiding Africa之前,去年鹿特丹就做了Forgot Africa,今年算是这个单元的姊妹篇吧。看来现在国际影展在发掘和扶植了东南亚新浪潮之后,开始思量着进军非洲了.....正常,第三电影喊了那么多年,亚拉的电影已经小有成就了,确实也该到非洲了。

2011-01-22 23:15:05 dogma_2001 (应亮)

2011-01-23 18:46:09 孤岛 (北京)
赵大勇老师还有另外一部《教堂》参展,它参加的是Raiding Africa单元,之前在鹿特丹的官网上我没有找到Raiding Africa的全部参与名单,我错以为在项目介绍里的那份名单就是全部参展影片,真是抱歉。
《叶问》我查过了,它应该是在鹿特丹下设的Signals: Water Tiger Inn单元播放,这个单元主要是回顾香港武侠电影之路的,参展的还有《龙门客栈》《方世玉》等老港片。
赵大勇老师还有另外一部《教堂》参展,它参加的是Raiding Africa单元,之前在鹿特丹的官网上我没有找到Raiding Africa的全部参与名单,我错以为在项目介绍里的那份名单就是全部参展影片,真是抱歉。
《叶问》我查过了,它应该是在鹿特丹下设的Signals: Water Tiger Inn单元播放,这个单元主要是回顾香港武侠电影之路的,参展的还有《龙门客栈》《方世玉》等老港片。

2011-01-24 04:32:27 dogma_2001 (应亮)

2011-01-26 02:28:25 dogma_2001 (应亮)

2011-01-29 22:02:52 4444 (八卦是抵达真实的最佳途径)
Yesterday, festival director Rutger Wolfson presented what\'s been confirmed for the upcoming International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR) starting at the end of January.
The 2011 edition promises to be a special one as it\'s an anniversary: the IFFR turns 40. In Roman numerals that reads as \"XL\" and this is the current buzzword: everything will be slighty larger starting with the number of locations. And not just venues either: Rotterdam will be peppered wth cinema-related art installations all across town.
On top of that there is a festival section for Western films made in the old Soviet Union back in the fifties and sixties, movies which were hugely popular in the USSR but never shown outside of the country. The IFFR has 15 of those in the program.
Another section focuses on 80 years of Chinese Wuxia films, showing a selection of 20 martial arms movies made from 1930 till 2010. Fingers crossed for some interesting recent titles!
Back to the general selection: the full list of films will be released early January as usual, but the following titles were already confirmed yesterday by Rutger con sorte:
13 Assassins - Miike Takashi (Japan)
22 May - Koen Mortier (Belgium)
Attenberg - Athina Tsangari (Greece)
Dharma Guns - Fj Ossang (France)
Meek\'s Cutoff - Kelly Reichardt (US)
Never Let Me Go - Mark Romanek (US)
Pa negre - Agustí Villaronga (Spain)
Poetry - Lee Chang-Dong (S. Korea)
Surviving Life - Jan Svankmajer (Chechia)
Year Without a Summer - Tan Chui Mui (Malaysia)
The 2011 edition promises to be a special one as it\'s an anniversary: the IFFR turns 40. In Roman numerals that reads as \"XL\" and this is the current buzzword: everything will be slighty larger starting with the number of locations. And not just venues either: Rotterdam will be peppered wth cinema-related art installations all across town.
On top of that there is a festival section for Western films made in the old Soviet Union back in the fifties and sixties, movies which were hugely popular in the USSR but never shown outside of the country. The IFFR has 15 of those in the program.
Another section focuses on 80 years of Chinese Wuxia films, showing a selection of 20 martial arms movies made from 1930 till 2010. Fingers crossed for some interesting recent titles!
Back to the general selection: the full list of films will be released early January as usual, but the following titles were already confirmed yesterday by Rutger con sorte:
13 Assassins - Miike Takashi (Japan)
22 May - Koen Mortier (Belgium)
Attenberg - Athina Tsangari (Greece)
Dharma Guns - Fj Ossang (France)
Meek\'s Cutoff - Kelly Reichardt (US)
Never Let Me Go - Mark Romanek (US)
Pa negre - Agustí Villaronga (Spain)
Poetry - Lee Chang-Dong (S. Korea)
Surviving Life - Jan Svankmajer (Chechia)
Year Without a Summer - Tan Chui Mui (Malaysia)
另外参加鹿特丹电影节的华语电影还有台湾张作骥的《当爱来的时候》。拍摄过《海上梦境》的荷兰导演David Verbeek的新作《宙斯俱乐部》(Club Zeus),章淼焱的第二部作品《黑金》,徐童的《算命》、李睿珺的《老驴头》、赵大勇的《寻欢作乐》、杨福东《一年之际》、张猛的第二部剧情长片《钢之琴》、彭浩翔的《志明与春娇》、海波的《太平川》,炭叹的《阳性》以及一部粘土动画《Forgotten Column》等。
《Bleak Night》 Yoon Sung-Hyun 韩国
《Eternity》 Sivaroj Kongsakul 泰国
《Finisterrae》Sergio Caballero
《Flying Fish》Sanjeewa Pushpakumara 斯里兰卡
《Gromozeka》Vladimir Kott
《Headshots》Lawrence Tooley 德国 奥地利
《The Image Threads》Vipin Vijay 印度
《The Journals of Musan 》Park Jung-Bum 韩国
《Love Addiction》Uchida Nobuteru日本
《Rainy Seasons》Majid Barzegar 伊朗
《The Sky Above》Sérgio Borges巴西
《Todos tus muertos》Carlos Moreno
《Vete más lejos, Alicia》Elisa Miller 墨西哥(该部电影是戛纳短片金棕榈获得者的处女作)
《Wasted Youth》Argyris Papadimitropoulos 和Jan Vogel 希腊
第40届鹿特丹电影节将于 1月26日开始,2月6日结束,今年的开幕影片是讲述少年夏日故事的希腊电影《wasted youth》(废柴青春)。鹿特丹电影节主要关注全球独立实验创新的电影,大奖金老虎嘉奖的也是年轻导演的第一部或第二部作品。并且下设Cinemart(电影市场)和支持了众多导演创作的 HBF,如去年入围主竞赛单元的《光斑》就受到这个基金的支持。
今年的鹿特丹电影节还有一个特别的单元,即其和北京栗宪庭电影学校合作,由HBF资助的Raiding Africa(辐射非洲)项目。鉴于中国在非洲的影响越来越大,电影节组委会于去年夏天于北京成立了一个小的工作坊,邀请七位非洲导演和六位亚洲导演学习交流(包括应亮、盛志民、张献民、泰国导演 Anocha Suwichakornpong、新加坡导演王安明以及扎根中国的荷兰导演David Verbeek。 该单元的策展人Gertjan Zuilhof说道:“鉴于中国在非洲国家的势力愈大而在日常生活中的缺位,这个项目旨在让非洲导演去拍摄并了解隐于国门之后的中国人民,近距离观察中国和亲身参与一把席卷亚洲的低成本数字电影拍摄浪潮。”
Omelga Mthiyane, South-Africa (Thank You Mama)
Emile-Aime Chah Yibain ‘Ancestor’, Cameroon (The Way to the Cross)
Ssenkaaba Samson 'Xenson', Uganda (Creation Lab)
Caroline Kamya, Uganda
Yves Montand Niyongabo, Rwanda (Maibobo)
Amour Sauveur, Congo-Brazzaville (Coupable)
Henrique Narciso ‘Dito’, Angola (A guerra do Ku-Duro)