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FANHALL ID: if03061
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评分: 8.69/10
(共 13 人评价)
片名: 天降
其它片名: /Falling From the Sky
导演: 张赞波
制片人: 周斌和
音乐: 周云蓬
片长: 124分钟
年份: 2009年
类型: 纪录
国别: 中国
语言: 国语
制作机构: 渐近线电影工作室

影片概述 . . . . . .




As a little-known place, Suining County lies directly in the path of falling debris from the Xichang Satellite Launching Base— one of the three Satellite Launching Bases in China. And for nearly 20 years, since 1990, it has been visited by those the dangerous “aliens” from the skies on ten occasions. The wreckage smashed into the tranquil lives of the 160,000 impoverished inhabitants of the landing area。

2008 is the “Olympic Year” as well as the “Space Year” for China. While the people of Suining eagerly awaited the Olympic Games like their fellow countrymen and get proud of the development of their nation especially in space exploration they had to endure the fate of missile wreckage falling on their heads.

导演阐述 . . . . . .


片名的“天降”一词在这里不单指那些从天而降的残骸,也指命运,一种不仅囿于此处斯民、而很有可能延伸至其他人头上的普遍性的“天命”。 “天”在这里不单是指物理意义上的天空,它也是国家意志的代称。


Director’s Statement:

The film Falling From the Sky aims to represent the life under the strong will of nation in a magical and realistic area of Suining and wishes to raise awareness to our homeland and subsistence with the concern of individual life under the will of the nation.

The title Falling from the Sky not only refers to the debris; it is an allusion to fate, something befalling of these people. Moreover, its meaning can be extended to point to a kind of heavenly destiny looming over their heads, hinting not only to the physical sky, but also the ancient Chinese concept of the “mandate of heaven”, the will of the nation.

Thus, the expression of the film about remote Suining is somehow much closer to a real China rather than the splendid Olympics and Shenzhou 7 spaceship in 2008.

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评论列表(2) . . . . . . ( 发表新评论 ) ( 更多评论 )

《天降》观后:灾难会从天而降,幸福却不会 [展开/收起]
扣子   2009-12-16 15:47:07   0回应
三个要提及的人(转导演的一篇文章) [展开/收起]
everybodymoveit   2009-09-14 14:00:53   0回应
  关于《天降》这个片子,其实一直不太想说话。因为我历来认为文本才是表达的唯一管道,文本外的阐述甚至交流,哪怕再热闹非凡,也许并无真义。  ...

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4444(创建者), everybodymoveit

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