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FANHALL ID: if03567
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评分: 7.88/10
(共 8 人评价)
片名: 恋曲
其它片名: /A Song of Love, Maybe
导演: 张赞波
制片人: 周斌和
摄影: 张赞波
美术: 于方
声音: 张赞波
剪辑: 张赞波
片长: 114分钟
年份: 2010年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 中国
语言: 普通话&湖南方言
格式: HDV
制作机构: 渐近线电影工作室

影片概述 . . . . . .


This is a much troubled female perspective love story. A KTV waitress is involved in a relationship with a customer who had come plainly for pleasure and relaxation. However, this relationship has been plagued from the very beginning
by lies, desire, impetuosity, confusion and pain. The brightness and darkness of human nature, the warmth and coldness of the city staged themselves alternately and perpetually, just like those vulgar yet properly put pop songs the girl had grown so familiar with by working in KTV private rooms.

导演阐述 . . . . . .


Through the love story of this girl, the director intends to expose certain complex but universal traits of human nature, especially the common confusion in terms of emotions and feelings of those who are living in cities. Also, it reveals a little bit of helplessness, a little bit of sorrow and a little bit of anger towards the times and society that have caused this confusion. The title “A Song of Love ,Maybe” indicates the place where the story originated (KTV) and the characteristic of the protagonist’s identity. Besides, there are pop songs sung in Karaoke interweaved in this story to help to compose this song of love and existence—although it may as well be seen as merely an elegy for that.

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评注: 地确没料到拍《天降》的赞波会拍一个“知音”版的情爱故事。 如果纪录片非得往讲故事的路子上走,结尾有点画蛇添足了。

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