
FANHALL ID: im04115
姓名: | 土本典昭/土本典昭 |
性别: | 男 |
生日: | 不详 |
影人概述: . . . . . .
Tsuchimoto Noriaki
Born in 1928 in Toki City, Gifu Prefecture, Tsuchimoto began his work in film in 1956 contracted to Iwanami Productions. His directorial debut was An Engineer’s Assistant (1963), a Japan National Railways PR film. After that he became independent and made Document: On the Road (1964), The World of the Siberians (1968), and Pre-Partisan (1969). From the seventies he made films on Minamata, such as Minamata: The Victims and Their World (1971), of which the latest, Minamata Diary: Visiting Resurrected Souls (2004), marks his seventeenth Minamata film. Not content only with making the films, in 1975 he took his Minamata work on a 100-day screening tour across Canada. In 1977 he held 76 screenings at 65 locations over 100 days, on his “Shiranui Sea: A Film Crew Across the Sea” tour. His other works include A Scrapbook about Nuclear Power Plants (1982), which depicts the issue of nuclear power using only newspaper articles, and Okhotsk Sea in Crisis (1994), for which he reported on the four islands of the Northern Territories together with Otsu Koshiro. In 1989 he went to Afghanistan and made Afghan Spring. At present he is planning new films with his company Eiga Dojin Cine Associé. His writings include Film Is the Job of Living Creatures and Records in Misfortune (both Miraisha). He passed away of lung cancer on June 24, 2008 at the age of 79.
—Reference to the YIDFF ’2007 official catalog
Tsuchimoto Noriaki
Born in 1928 in Toki City, Gifu Prefecture, Tsuchimoto began his work in film in 1956 contracted to Iwanami Productions. His directorial debut was An Engineer’s Assistant (1963), a Japan National Railways PR film. After that he became independent and made Document: On the Road (1964), The World of the Siberians (1968), and Pre-Partisan (1969). From the seventies he made films on Minamata, such as Minamata: The Victims and Their World (1971), of which the latest, Minamata Diary: Visiting Resurrected Souls (2004), marks his seventeenth Minamata film. Not content only with making the films, in 1975 he took his Minamata work on a 100-day screening tour across Canada. In 1977 he held 76 screenings at 65 locations over 100 days, on his “Shiranui Sea: A Film Crew Across the Sea” tour. His other works include A Scrapbook about Nuclear Power Plants (1982), which depicts the issue of nuclear power using only newspaper articles, and Okhotsk Sea in Crisis (1994), for which he reported on the four islands of the Northern Territories together with Otsu Koshiro. In 1989 he went to Afghanistan and made Afghan Spring. At present he is planning new films with his company Eiga Dojin Cine Associé. His writings include Film Is the Job of Living Creatures and Records in Misfortune (both Miraisha). He passed away of lung cancer on June 24, 2008 at the age of 79.
—Reference to the YIDFF ’2007 official catalog
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对本影人资料作出贡献的会员 . . . . . .
土本典昭导演的影片 . . . . . .
土本典昭编剧的影片 . . . . . .
土本典昭摄影的影片 . . . . . .
土本典昭剪辑的影片 . . . . . .
相关资讯 . . . . . .
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