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FANHALL ID: if03479
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其它片名: 情欲穿心箭/The Bow
导演: 金基德
编剧: 金基德
摄影: Seong-back Jang
声音: Hyun-soo Jeung
剪辑: 金基德
主演: Seong-hwang Jeon, Si-jeok Seo, Gook-hwan Jeon
音乐: Eun-il Kang
片长: 90分钟
年份: 2005年
类型: 剧情
制作机构: Happinet Pictures

影片概述 . . . . . .

  来钓鱼的男人们经常想占女孩的便宜,老人为保护女孩不得不用利箭来警示对方。一天,和父亲一起来钓鱼的大学生(徐智锡饰)在船上为神秘的少女所吸引。老人觉得事情不妙,每天监视少女并不允许她靠近大学生,而16岁的少女也逐渐对外面的事物产生好奇。大学生得知女孩儿将要和老人结婚,就决定带上少女逃到陆地……I must confess I am a huge Kim Ki-Duk fan, and have loved every one of his films. In my opinion Ki-Duk has directed 4 absolute masterpieces of modern cinema, Bad Guy, 3 Iron, The Isle, and Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring. Each of these films has gone some way to changing the shape, scope, style or accepted boundaries of modern cinema.

The Bow, however does not go to these lengths, but instead falls into the category of Ki-Duk's more eclectic and arguably more mainstream works like the Birdcage Inn or Samaria. This is by no means a bad thing as these are also great films in their own right.

Much like 3 Iron, the Bow has very little dialog, and much of the emotion is conveyed solely by glances, gestures or actions. This makes the film both more and less commercially acceptable to western audiences.

The Bow has re-confirmed Kim Ki-Duk as a modern cinematic maverick, an uncompromisingly original and visionary director.

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