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FANHALL ID: if00373
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片名: 新马德里
导演: Nick Jordan, Jacob Cartwright
片长: 6分钟
年份: 2008年
类型: 试验片
国别: 英国

影片概述 . . . . . .

《新马德里》一片取材于John James Audubon在他出版发行的鸟类传记影片《鸟类的历史 (1831-1839年)>中对灾难性大地震的描写。本片拍摄于肯塔基州和田纳西州边境的Reelfoot地区——一个1811-1812年大地震后形成的沼泽地带。


Jacob Cartwright 和 Nick Jordan是英国曼彻斯特的电影艺术家。他们的工作是寻找在难以控制的自然世界和我们多姿多彩,充满文化的历史之间不平常的,诗意的或荒诞的相互关系。通过合作,Cartwright 和 Jordan自由地融合一系列文化的和自然的题材 - 历史事件,田园生活,社会生态,神话和传说 – 阐明奇特的事物并与我们的日常生活作对比。他们近期出版的书册《联合入侵者》(Alien Invaders),以指南手册的形式介绍了不列颠非土生的入侵物种。Cartwright 和 Jordan最近在曼彻斯特博物馆艺术研究特别会从事了关于从灭绝了的北美旅鸽到土生不列颠橡树等一系列主题的研究。

New Madrid draws upon the description of a cataclysmic earthquake by John James Audubon, published in his Ornithological Biography (1831-39). The video was filmed on the Kentucky/Tennessee border, at Reelfoot – an area of swampland formed by the earthquakes of 1811-12.

The video forms part of a series of short films structured around a range of species, events ad locations described by Audubon, which accompanied his major work The Birds of America. The films explore the territory between cultural and ecological history, the past and present, and the human activities that alter and shape the diminished natural world.

Jacob Cartwright & Nick Jordan are artists based in Manchester, UK. Their work seeks out the unusual, poetic or absurd interrelations between the unruly natural world and our multifaceted cultural histories. Through collaboration, Cartwright & Jordan freely combine a range of cultural and natural themes - historical events, pastoral idylls, ecology, myths & tales - illuminating the peculiarities and contrasts with our everyday realities. They recently published Alien Invaders (Book Works), which takes the form of a guidebook to non-native invasive species found in Britain. Cartwright & Jordan were recently artist research fellows at The Manchester Museum, with subjects ranging from the extinct north American passenger pigeon to the native British oak tree.

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