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FANHALL ID: if03478
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片名: 빈집
其它片名: 空房间/空房诱奸
导演: 金基德
编剧: 金基德
制片人: 金基德
摄影: Seong-back Jang
声音: Jin-wook Jung
剪辑: 金基德
主演: 在熙, 李丞涓, 李忠秀
音乐: Slvian
片长: 88分钟
年份: 2004年
类型: 剧情
国别: 韩国
语言: 朝鲜语
制作机构: 金基德电影工作室

影片概述 . . . . . .

  后来,他们两个人恢复到以前的神秘生活,结伴一起寻找空房间,虽没有言语交流,却彼此默契。一次他们进入陌生人房间时,发现一具老人的尸体,他们为他办了一个认真的葬礼后就在这件屋子快乐的住下。直到一天老人的儿子找上门来,他们被当作杀人嫌疑犯带走。泰石锒铛入狱,善华被老公带走。但是故事并没有在这里结束Originality is a rare commodity at any time, but it is in abundance in Kim ki-Duk's 3-IRON. The title refers to a golf club that is used to drive a ball long distances. In this case, the balls are, ultimately, driven into people with painful results.

A drifter who lives in temporarily vacated houses and apartments repays the owners by repairing appliances and watering plants. He meets a sad, abused woman and a non-verbal connection grows.

The magic is in the detail and the extraordinary cinematic clarity of Kim's style. There is the explosive violence that characterized his early films, but this entry is primarily an engaging character study with an existential bent.

What's truly original is the director's adherence to the way he presents his material. The style is consistent throughout and dialogue is mostly superfluous.

This has more in common with SPRING, SUMMER, FALL, WINTER...THEN SPRING AGAIN than THE ISLE, ADDRESS UNKNOWN or BAD GUY. Though I enjoyed the material, any subtler and Kim might begin to lose the edge that distinguishes him.

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