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FANHALL ID: if03483
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其它片名: 漂流欲室
导演: 金基德
编剧: 金基德
制片人: Eun Lee
摄影: Seo-shik Hwang
美术: 金基德
剪辑: Min-ho Kyeong
主演: Jung Suh, Yoosuk Kim, Sung-hee Park
音乐: Sang-yun Jeon
片长: 90分钟
年份: 2001年
类型: 剧情
国别: 韩国
语言: 韩语
制作机构: Myung Film Company Ltd.

影片概述 . . . . . .

  曾是警察的贤植(金儒哲)因杀掉不忠女友逃亡到“小岛”,左思右想后准备吞枪自杀,就在举枪时,熙真突然从水里冒出来,把一把尖刀插入他的大腿,自杀不了的贤植对熙真产生既古怪又亲密的感觉。自此,两人开始在世外荒源上演疯狂激烈的情欲角逐大战。This was an odd one. A mixture of some of the most serenely beautiful cinematography one can imagine, and high quality acting, in a weird story with occasional moments of cruel savagery. At the end, I wasn't sure what the film was supposed to mean, beyond possibly some comment about the nature of beauty and cruelty. I enjoyed the images, and the general turn of events, and although some may find the treatment of animals in the film disturbing I found that it contributed in artistically if not literally meaningful way to the film. Besides, the fish that are harmed are eaten, so the scenes are rarely gratuitous seeming. There's people violence in the movie too, in fact there are some arrestingly gruesome moments scattered in the film, and there's certainly a good deal of menace and dark intrigue. Ultimately though, the film just didn't seem quite engaging or meaningful enough to me. I could certainly have done with more dialogue and more compelling characters, this would have helped me understand more of what the film was trying to say. But unfortunately I ended up enjoying this one on mostly a visual level, without the drama actually touching me too much.

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