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FANHALL ID: if03480
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片名: 나쁜남자
其它片名: 坏小子/Bad Guy
导演: 金基德
编剧: 金基德
摄影: Cheol-hyeon Hwang
剪辑: Seong-won Hang
主演: 孙婉, 赵在铉, 南宫民
音乐: Ho-jun Park
片长: 100分钟
年份: 2001年
类型: 剧情
国别: 韩国
语言: 朝鲜语
制作机构: LJ Film

影片概述 . . . . . .

  之后,森华去书店时,一时贪心拿走了别人遗落的钱包,不想被人盯上敲诈一番。为了奉还钱财巨债,森华不得不通过签下卖身契来出卖肉体还钱。而这一切,她并不知道原来是亨吉布局陷害的。他爱着森华,但又知道对方无法接受他,惟有将森华毁掉,放到低贱的位置,才能有些微弱可能……  I loved Korean director Ki-duk Kim's The Isle, and this film is just as good. It may not be to everyone's taste as it is a dark film about obsession.

Han-ki (Jae-hyeon Jo) is a hood. We never really know how important he is, but he does run a brothel. He becomes obsessed with a beautiful college student, Sun-hwa (Won Seo), who rejects and disses him. He can't rise to her level, so he will bring her down to his.

He sets her up and forces her to borrow from a loan shark to get out of trouble. When she can't pay, she is brought into the brothel. He watches her humiliation from behind a two-way mirror.

Many weeks/months/years later, after Han-Ki goes to jail, one of his men offers to let her go. She realizes she cannot return to her former life. She stays.

The ending took a couple of twists and turns and ended up in a totally unexpected place. Brilliant!

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