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FANHALL ID: if03477
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片名: 시간
其它片名: 时间/Time
导演: 金基德
编剧: 金基德
制片人: 金基德
摄影: Jong-moo Sung
声音: Hyun-soo Jeung
剪辑: 金基德
主演: 河正宇, 成贤娥, 朴志妍, 金成珉
音乐: Hyung-woo Noh
片长: 97分钟
年份: 2006年
类型: 剧情
国别: 韩国
语言: 朝鲜语
制作机构: Happinet Pictures

影片概述 . . . . . .

相貌在爱情中是否能敌得过时间?世喜(成贤娥 饰)和智宇(夏正宇 饰)已经相恋多年,但是世喜慢慢觉察,爱情好像被时间冲淡了,智宇已经开始厌倦这段感情。世喜惊恐,决定离开男友。
  半年后,智宇交往了一位新女友,他觉得她身上有世喜的味道,于是陷入了几年前和世喜热恋的甜蜜回忆中,即使新女友的相貌比世喜漂亮,但是他的爱与世喜的样子已经融为一体。智宇向新女友坦白自己的感受,却想不到,眼前的新女友正是世喜,她为了重获男友欢心,去了整容。世喜听到智宇对自己的一往情深,不禁狂喜。然而二人能否再续前缘,迎来大团圆结局?In combining elements of sci-fi and fantasy with a thoughtful, contemplative study of human relationships, the Korean film, "Time," brings the adage "Beauty is only skin deep" to a whole new level.

When she begins to sense that her boyfriend, Ji-woo, may be losing interest in her, Seh-hee decides to undergo plastic surgery so radical that even he will not be able to recognize her. Her plan is to then insinuate herself back into Ji-woo's life under the guise of her new identity, hoping to stave off his growing indifference and, in so doing, give them what amounts to a second chance as a couple. Needless, to say, Seh-hee 's scheme does not work out quite as planned and she learns some pretty powerful lessons about the way true love actually works.

Although Seh-hee clearly believes that by altering her appearance she will be able to change her inner makeup as well, the truth is that she remains every bit as grasping, jealous, melodramatic and paranoid after the surgery as she was before. No amount of change in her looks can raise her self-esteem or make her any less difficult to deal with. Her boyfriend, meanwhile, becomes a pawn in her twisted game, as he is tricked into inadvertently rekindling a romance with a woman who carries with her all the same baggage he had so much trouble putting up with in the previous relationship (despite the fact that he genuinely loves her).

An attack on the looks-obsessed nature of modern culture, "Time" is not a "thriller" in the conventional sense of the term. It demands patience as it goes about the business of laying out its storyline and doesn't go in for a whole lot of fancy horror movie pyrotechnics to raise the audience's hackles. Instead, it relies mainly on subtle psychological insights to generate a feeling of imbalance and unease. Seh-hee is clearly mentally and emotionally unstable, and writer/director Ki-duk Kim's subtle, almost Pirandellian way of dealing with that madness makes it all the more disturbing.

Strong performances, steady direction, sharp cinematography and an unnerving view of human nature all combine to make "Time" an offbeat, memorable experience. Don't expect to jump out of your seat or bury your face in your hands during the course of this film - for in the case of "Time," the chills all take place in the mind.

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