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FANHALL ID: if03486
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片名: 해안선
其它片名: 海岸线
导演: 金基德
制片人: Seung-jae Lee
摄影: Dong-hyeon Baek
美术: Ju-hun Yun
剪辑: Sun-min Kim
主演: 朴智娥, 张东健, 金泰宇
片长: 91分钟
年份: 2004年
类型: 剧情
国别: 韩语
语言: 朝鲜语
制作机构: Korea Pictures

影片概述 . . . . . .

  姜汉泽(张东健)是韩国海岸警备队尽职尽责的上等兵,他的职责是负责看守海岸线,以防可疑人士潜入。由于一心一意想抓间谍,他在工作时一丝不苟很是认真。某次,他将发现的可疑目标当场击毙,事后才知受害者不过是醉酒后与女友亲热的平民。自此,姜汉泽和受害者的女友美英(朴智娥)的生活进入绝境,两人心灵上都背上无法承受的重压,而此事件更影响到整个海岸警备队,尤其是该队成员金上士(金泰宇)。  Perhaps the reason why this movie is getting such a bad rap is mainly a fault of its well-meaning, but still incoherent style and narrative structure. I have not read any articles on this movie or interviews with the director to know what his overt intention was, but in the end I think the movie falls short of its mark due to Kim's perennial fixation on obsession, whether it was his intention to delve into this subject matter or not. On most levels, obsession is a largely private affair, and any exegesis of obsession enmeshed within the loaded geopolitical situation that is now Korea would require a broader vision and canvas matched with a technical command of story telling than any that Kim has been able to provide here or elsewhere. However, one thing that I must praise Kim for is the reality with which he portrays military life in South Korea. It is, in my view, the grittiest, down-to-other depiction on the silver-screen of life as a grunt doing mandatory military service in Korea. I should know, since I've done my two years' service, as no doubt Kim also has. The situation might be unreal (a loose-cannon grunt suddenly acquiring the killing skills of Jason Bourne) but the military's reaction to it certainly wasn't. The ineptitude of the commanders to stop the problem, the fear of the soldiers and the conflict it breeds within, and, most important of all, the corporal punishment that gets amplified as it spreads down the chain of command.

So here's my recommendation: if you want a well thought out movie which pits issues of personal obsession against major geopolitical themes of our day, this movie is not for you. If, however, you want to see a curiosity piece about how troglodytic an existence military conscripts lead in South Korea, then you've come to the right place.

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