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FANHALL ID: if00346
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片名: 国营东风农场
其它片名: /National East Wind Farm
导演: 胡杰
制片人: 胡杰
摄影: 胡杰
剪辑: 胡杰
片长: 90分钟
年份: 2008年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 中国
语言: 普通话

影片概述 . . . . . .


In 1957, around two hundred "Rightists" from Kunming, Yunnan arrived at a gulag--a "thought reform through labor farm"--in Mi-le County, which later also received another two hundred "Rightists" from other farms. As part of the "Great Leap Forward," these inmates had to destroy forests to reclaim wasteland, burn down iron to smelt steel, eradicate rice to plant sweet potatoes, and experience the manmade "natural disaster" of the great famine in 1960. In the midst of their toils they also underwent the "Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution" and received large groups of sent-down youth from Shanghai, Chongqing and Kunming. After 21 years of "remolding," these "Rightists" were finally rehabilitated in 1978 and left the farm in succession.

导演阐述 . . . . . .


After the Anti-Rightist Campaign in 1957, Chinese labor reform farms (gulags), established for the incarceration of criminals, received a new group of inmates who used to be teachers, cadres, university students, and military officials. They were sent there for the common reason that they had answered the Party's call and voiced their criticisms. Their common name was "Rightist," and the gulags took over the political responsibility of reforming their minds. Based on interviews with the former inmates and managers of East Wind Farm in Yunnan, this film shows the various experiences of "reform" in the political atmosphere of "class struggle" in an inhospitable natural environment, as well as the bodies and souls subjugated to "remolding."

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就胡杰纪录片《国营东风农场》放映会后随便说说 [展开/收起]
yeyeye   2008-11-30 03:28:33   25回应
我丈夫,一位80后,同时也是一位党内人士的就《国营东风林场》放映会发言 [展开/收起]
yeyeye   2008-12-01 00:28:18   10回应
我们的观点比较近似,算是我们观后讨论的结果      29日去宋庄美术馆参加独立电影展落幕,看了胡杰的《国营东风农场》。就电影本身,我本没有什么...

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