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片名: 财富之道
其它片名: 财富之道/Way of Fortune
导演: 张钊维
制片人: 张钊维, 郝智强
摄影: 褚天舒, 于亮, 谢嘉锟, 张育麟
声音: 刘杨, 韩璐
剪辑: 张钊维
片长: 73分钟
年份: 2007年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 中国

影片概述 . . . . . .




For the past 20 years or so, with the “white cat or black cat” theory from the Mainland China or the philosophy of struggling to win or taking the second place from the Four Asian Tigers, the Chinese people have made their fortune through exports and processing trade under the globalized framework in which Britain and America takes the lead.

As a matter of fact, what has led to the current economic development among Chinese societies is something that has rarely been under discussion. For the last 1000 years or so, businessmen from Fujian and Guangzhou have been integrated into the global market. With great creativity, they have played the role of middleman in dealing with businessmen from various cultural backgrounds, thus becoming a major player in the global trade. They devoutly believe in the Goddess of the Sea: wherever there is a Matsu temple, it is either a trading port, capital of the colony, a concession area in history or a current Export Processing Zone and a Special Economic Zone.

Such kind of a historical reality have formed the foundation of the current wealth of the Chinese people, but at the same time did they also bring some problems related to natural resources, brands, rural area, or the ecology in the process of following the western industrial civilization and becoming prosperous?

导演阐述 . . . . . .





Personally speaking, “Ways of Fortune” is the second film work after “Green Silicon Island” of 2001, both exam the relationship among economy, society and culture.

This second exploration attempts to answer a Weberian question about the spiritual and cultural factors behind the economy and capitalism of Chinese societies. For me, the most important is the belief of “MaZu”(Sea Goddess)which dominate the Chinese coastal area. This religious belief, different from inland Confucianism, is the core value for Chinese maritime economy therefore pass onto contemporary development.

As growing up in a merchant’s family and living next to MaZu temple, for me this film is also a quest to clarify my own position in this lifetime as well as in the ongoing history

However, this film doesn’t answer the question of to where we should go then. That might be left for the third exploration, which I hope will happen in near future.

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《财富之道》与《好猫》 [展开/收起]
网管   2008-11-21 14:53:00   0回应
“白猫,黑猫”。 是两部片子的介绍中共同提到的字眼,而至于背后的故事,张钊维导演和应亮导演会不会无意间让它们殊途同归呢? 值得期待……

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