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片名: 回家
导演: 吳秀菁
片长: 57分钟
年份: 1997年
类型: 实验记录片
国别: 中国台湾
语言: 闽南语

影片概述 . . . . . .

家這部紀錄片,紀錄了民國八十一年間震驚整個社會的神話KTV縱火案,湯銘雄酒醉縱火奪走十六條無辜人命,五十二歲的杜花明,是受害人之一杜勝男的姐 姐。在所有被害者家屬大聲韃閥湯銘雄同時,杜花明選擇了原諒,她主動寫信給嫌犯湯銘雄,表示願意原諒他,並且鼓勵他。 身為原住民的杜花明說,她和母親杜花,之所以決定原諒湯銘雄,除了因為出自基督徒「寬恕」的信仰,也是因為對湯銘雄無心犯下的錯,感到同情。這其中跟杜花 明自己親身生活經歷有相當大的關係,她曾經一生平順,家庭生活幸福美滿,卻在丈夫賺了大錢並且出來參選失利後,家庭經濟突逢劇變,最後她在走出陰霾,杜花 明的人生觀從此有了很大的改變,也讓她在弟弟受害後,願意選擇原諒他人,希望她明雄也能重後新生。 杜花明不但與湯銘雄通信長達一、兩年,並且親自到獄中探望他。深受感動的湯銘雄,最後終於悔改。 八十六年七月,湯銘雄在台北看守所遭到槍決,用生命對被害人家屬做出補償。杜花明說,政府設死刑,是要讓一般民眾有所警惕;不過她也指出,如果能夠幫助死 刑犯悔改,給他們機會,用餘生貢獻自己的心力,對家屬和整個社會,是不是會更有幫助呢?

The Shin Hwa KTV Fire was one of the major social headliner in Taiwan in the year 1992. Ton Ming-Shuen, apparently caused the fire while intoxicated, took away 16 innocent lives. Tu Hwa-Ming, 52, sister of victim Tu Shen-Nam, instead of blaming Ton as all the victims do, wrote him letters and showed her willingness to fogive as well as personal encouragement.

Tu Hwa-Ming, herself of Taiwanese Aborginie origin, showing tremendous kindess toward Ton, due to her Christian belief as well as her personal experience. Tu never had much difficulities in life until her rich husband lost out in elections and tragedy hits her family. Tu eventuall got herself back together, and came out with a new sense of life.

Tu and Ton maintained communication through letters for two years. Tu even made personal visit to Ton in prison. Ton was greatly moved and vowed to come out of prsion a new man.

Ton was executed in Taipei in July of '97. Tu then said that although the purpose of death penality is to warn the rest of the society, it would be much more meaningful to present the inmates new opportunities for them to contribute their share of effort

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