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Quatre cents coups, Les

FANHALL ID: if01381
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片名: Quatre cents coups, Les
其它片名: 四百击
导演: François Truffaut
编剧: François Truffaut, Marcel Moussy
制片人: François Truffaut
摄影: Henri Decaë
声音: Jean-Claude Marchetti
剪辑: Marie-Josèphe Yoyotte
主演: Jean-Pierre Léaud, Claire Maurier, Albert Rémy, Guy Decomble
音乐: Jean Constantin
片长: 99分钟
国别: 法国
语言: 法语/英语
制作机构: Les Films du Carrosse

影片概述 . . . . . .

This film is one of the greatest I have ever seen. It depicts some events in the life of Antoine Doinel, a young French boy who gets into a lot of trouble no matter what he does. This was the first film by Francois Truffaut, and I believe that it is filmed with such an innocence that you can really feel some of the emotions that Antoine feels. I love the simple style of this film, and I think it adds to its charm. The story is can even be painful to watch as one sees all of the things that happen to Antoine. I think that the reason for the strong emotions embedded in this film is that it is semi-autobiographical. I think the cinema is what rescued Truffaut from a life like his protagonist.In short, an inspiration to all filmmakers-they DEFINITELY don't make them like this anymore


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特吕弗的半自传体作品,探讨了一个13岁男孩的生活和内心世界。安托万(让-皮埃尔•利奥德 Jean-Pierre Léaud 饰)处于成长的叛逆期,却没有得到良好的成长土壤。他面对着僵化保守的学校教育制度、四分五裂的家庭坏境和残酷冰冷的社会面相,无论如何都找不到出路。他逃课,见到母亲和他人偷情,跟老师谎称母亲去世,谎言被揭穿后,他离家出走,彻夜不归,并为了归还偷走的打印机而被警察当场抓住,带去了少管中心,但他还是在大家不留神的时候逃走了。安托万拼命往外跑,身后警笛鸣起,迷惘的安托万一直朝着大海奔跑…… 
——2009-03-24 14:49:43,4444上传

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