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La Nuit américaine

FANHALL ID: if01366
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片名: La Nuit américaine
其它片名: 日以作夜
导演: François Truffaut
编剧: Jean-Louis Richard, Suzanne Schiffman
制片人: Marcel Berbert
摄影: Pierre-William Glenn
声音: René Levert
剪辑: Martine Barraqué, Yann Dedet
主演: Jacqueline Bisset, Valentina Cortese, Dani
音乐: Georges Delerue
片长: 115分钟
年份: 1973年
国别: 法国/意大利
语言: 法语/英语
制作机构: Les Films du Carrosse

影片概述 . . . . . .

François Truffaut's La Nuit Américaine is one of the most remarkable achievements in the "film within the film" genre. The movie stars Truffaut himself (who else could possibly play the role?) as Ferrand, an experienced director who's working on a new feature, "Je vous prèsente Pamela" (I introduce Pamela), and La Nuit Américaine showcases the difficulties of the production: props not working, actors struggling to memorize their lines, crew members leaving the project and scenes that have to be shot various times before Ferrand nails them (the "bad actor-cat" scene is a must-see). You know the bloopers that are sometimes included on the DVDs? Same thing, only funnier. Truffaut is brilliant in showing how different an actor can be from his on-screen persona (Jean-Pierre Léaud is outstanding as selfish, spoiled Alphonse), the cast and crew's private lives affecting or being affected by the making of the film, and how the slightest detail can change an otherwise foolproof schedule.

The most intriguing aspect of this movie, however, is perhaps the autobiographical elements the director has added: it basically sums up Truffaut's entire career, with references to his previous masterpieces (Léaud's presence being the most obvious one), and he has clearly based the character of Ferrand on himself (the flashback with the then 9-year old film lover stealing pictures of Citizen Kane is pure movie magic). He fascinates us so much we don't immediately realize the film was made under the same circumstances as the fictitious flick the characters are trying to achieve.

A flawless love letter to cinema, La Nuit Américaine should be on everyone's must-see list. Thirty years on, it has lost none of its appeal.

楚浮在片中亲自饰演导演一角,他带着一组工作人员在尼斯拍摄一部古装文艺片,结果幕前幕后都发生了不少事件,让他好不容易才能将全片杀青。在布努艾尔的《资产阶级的审慎魅力》之后拿走奥斯卡奖最佳外语片的就是特吕弗的这部《日以继夜》(La Nuit Américaine, 1973)。这部电影的原名是一个专业术语,指美国人经常在大白天利用滤光镜拍夜景,天空透过滤镜呈深兰色。这种在白天而不在晚上拍夜景的方法就叫作:美国之夜。昼夜颠倒的世界一方面是电影再造的梦幻国度,另一方面却是辛苦尴尬的电影工作本身。影片中表现出一部电影拍摄过程中遇到的种种棘手的难题,演员之间错综复杂的关系,经费带来的压力以及拍摄时间的紧迫。




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