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Une belle fille comme moi

FANHALL ID: if01367
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片名: Une belle fille comme moi
其它片名: 美女如我
导演: François Truffaut
编剧: Henry Farrell, Jean-Loup Dabadie
摄影: Pierre-William Glenn
剪辑: Martine Barraqué, Yann Dedet
主演: Claude Brasseur, Charles Denner, Bernadette Lafont
音乐: Georges Delerue
片长: 98分钟
年份: 1972年
国别: 法国
语言: 法语
制作机构: Les Films du Carrosse, Béziers, Hérault, France

影片概述 . . . . . .

Starting out "Une belle fille comme moi" seems like it might be going somewhere interesting - The study of the criminal female mind. But this film settles quickly into a silly immature comedy ripe with stereotypes and overacting. Alas, if only any of these were actually funny.

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