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Enfant sauvage, L'

FANHALL ID: if01370
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片名: Enfant sauvage, L'
其它片名: 野孩子
导演: François Truffaut
编剧: François Truffaut, Jean Itard
主演: François Truffaut, Jean-Pierre Cargol, Françoise Seigner
片长: 83分钟
年份: 1970年
国别: 法国
语言: 法语
制作机构: Les Films du Carrosse

影片概述 . . . . . .

An absolutely enthralling film, based on the true story of a real-life boy "Tarzan". Discovered in a French Aveyron forest, in the late 1700s, "The Wild Child" was considered to be a deaf and dumb savage. But, young doctor Jean Itard (played by director Francois Truffaut) believes he can "civilize" the child. With tentative permission from the child's guardian "Institute for the Deaf and Dumb", Dr. Itard takes the savage boy into his home. Itard becomes the child's teacher and, ultimately, surrogate parent. Housekeeper Françoise Seigner adds some expert motherly affection. Itard symbolically names the boy "Victor" due to his preference for the ending "O" sound.

Director/writer/co-star Truffaut's "L' Infant sauvage" is a minor masterpiece. It's beautifully photographed (by Nestor Almendros), thought-provoking, and emotionally captivating. The ending events are, in fact, an emotional roller-coaster. Truffaut elicits a tremendous performance from Jean-Pierre Cargol as the savage young Victor. A great film for parents, teachers, and children (which means, of course, everyone).


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