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Fahrenheit 451

FANHALL ID: if01374
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片名: Fahrenheit 451
其它片名: 华氏451度
导演: François Truffaut
编剧: François Truffaut, Ray Bradbury
制片人: Lewis M. Allen, Miriam Brickman, Michael Dalamar, Jane C. Nusbaum
摄影: Nicolas Roeg
声音: Robert T. MacPhee
剪辑: Thom Noble
主演: Oskar Werner, Julie Christie, Cyril Cusack
音乐: Bernard Herrmann
片长: 112分钟
年份: 1966年

影片概述 . . . . . .

What an amazing film. I've heard of it for a long time, but only just had the opportunity to see it. The story is based on Ray Bradbury's novel of the same name and has been cleverly adapted to film. There are a lot of clever visual clues in this film, and it stands a couple of watches - just to make sure that you pick them all up! Apparently it is Truffaut's first venture into colour film, and this yields quite interesting results, at times quite colourful. If you are expecting a Sci-Fi film - set in a space-like future, with astounding special effects - you will be disappointed, it's not that sort of film. This is a film where a possible set of scenarios - and 'what-ifs' are put forward, and explored by the filmmaker. It is believable and at times makes you think, 'What if this were true?', I fully recommend this film, a great watch.

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1966威尼斯电影节金狮奖提名:特吕弗、1967英国学院奖最佳英国女演员提名:朱莉 克里斯蒂 (Julie Christie
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