片名: | 掩埋 |
其它片名: | 掩埋/Buried |
导演: | 王利波 |
制片人: | 王利波 |
摄影: | 王利波, 彭建, 李宪伟 |
剪辑: | 王利波 |
片长: | 100分钟 |
年份: | 2009年 |
类型: | 纪录 |
国别: | 中国 |
语言: | |
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影片概述 . . . . . .
1976年7 月27日,唐山人永远无法忘记的一天。这一天过后,数十万亲人的生命结束了,还有数十万幸存者由此而改变了一生!那些与唐山大地震有关的中国地震界的官员、专家以及工作者们,无论在这一天做了什么,他们都不应该忘记。
July 27th, 1976 - a day the people of Tangshan will never forget. When that fateful day ended, tens of thousands had been killed, and the lives of the survivors would be changed forever. No public official, no expert, nor anyone among the seismological personnel - regardless of what they were doing that day - should ever forget.
History will always remember the twilight of that day.
The 1976 Tangshan Earthquake has left the world with a lot of open questions. Before the earthquake, seismological personnel in Tangshan and quake experts in Beijing had already warned of an imminent quake. But in the end, more than 240,000 people had to pay with their lives, causing a shocking tragedy of massive proportions. Why did this happen? In the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake about 100,000 people were killed. Faced with terrible quakes, the human race repeats tragedy time and time again. It is terrible that people can only offer money and bland tears after the disaster - when better preparation could have saved lives. A people has to courageously face its own weaknesses, only then is there room for progress.
A movie called"bury" interviews the persons involved in Tangshan earthquake,reappears the process of prediction and non-disclosure in Tangshan earthquake in 1976,using count-down method,and describes the disregard of the non-disclosure by the government which leads to the tragedy in Wenchuan in 2008, which is a reapearence of Tangshan earthquake
July 27th, 1976 - a day the people of Tangshan will never forget. When that fateful day ended, tens of thousands had been killed, and the lives of the survivors would be changed forever. No public official, no expert, nor anyone among the seismological personnel - regardless of what they were doing that day - should ever forget.
History will always remember the twilight of that day.
The 1976 Tangshan Earthquake has left the world with a lot of open questions. Before the earthquake, seismological personnel in Tangshan and quake experts in Beijing had already warned of an imminent quake. But in the end, more than 240,000 people had to pay with their lives, causing a shocking tragedy of massive proportions. Why did this happen? In the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake about 100,000 people were killed. Faced with terrible quakes, the human race repeats tragedy time and time again. It is terrible that people can only offer money and bland tears after the disaster - when better preparation could have saved lives. A people has to courageously face its own weaknesses, only then is there room for progress.
A movie called"bury" interviews the persons involved in Tangshan earthquake,reappears the process of prediction and non-disclosure in Tangshan earthquake in 1976,using count-down method,and describes the disregard of the non-disclosure by the government which leads to the tragedy in Wenchuan in 2008, which is a reapearence of Tangshan earthquake
导演阐述 . . . . . .
The documentary film "Buried" uses a factual and objective viewpoint to revisit, with a commitment to truth and depth, that buried piece of history that is the Great Tangshan Earthquake. It wants to find the unknown truth, suffering, and bitterness of how many people were actually buried, and it might expose a much higher number of deaths. Regardless of whether we confirm or deny, the truth can never be buried, history will exist forever.
The documentary film "Buried" uses a factual and objective viewpoint to revisit, with a commitment to truth and depth, that buried piece of history that is the Great Tangshan Earthquake. It wants to find the unknown truth, suffering, and bitterness of how many people were actually buried, and it might expose a much higher number of deaths. Regardless of whether we confirm or deny, the truth can never be buried, history will exist forever.
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- 纪录片本就是一场病 [展开/收起]
2010-07-22 16:13:11 53回应
- 《唐山大地震》高调首映,同样题材的《掩埋》低调上映,并拿了香港的一个奖。豆瓣上的五星率竟然高达60%以上!这不禁让我对纪录片的未来有些担忧...
- 天天都是唐山大地震 [展开/收起]
2010-08-05 20:29:14 6回应
- 我是刘时光 7月22日 周四 我在北京工人俱乐部电影院观看了《唐山大地震》,《唐》是商业片,徐帆说”妈没骗你“,我鼻子一酸;张静初与徐帆母女相认...
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