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FANHALL ID: if01064
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其它片名: 会见伍迪艾伦
导演: Jean-Luc Godard
主演: Woody Allen, Jean-Luc Godard
片长: 26分钟
年份: 1986年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 法国
语言: 法语/英语
格式: 35mm

影片概述 . . . . . .

Jean-Luc Godard and Woody Allen. Just by those two names you will know if this short interview-film, which has been seen by likely less than a hundred people since it was filmed almost twenty years ago, will be worth to see (and 80's era Godard and Woody no less). Basically, you get Godard's madman sensibilities as a filmmaker, playing around with the structure of a director interview, and you get Woody Allen's insights. Ironically, I think this was made for video, or at least shot on it (maybe it was shot on film, I'd have to look it up), and more than half of the interview is based around the idea (that Godard proposes and Allen agrees with when understanding) that television is a corrupter of the audience. But along with questions, and even more interesting answers, about television, there are also questions and answers about the film-making process, and how Allen feels about it. While at times Godard tries to back up to TV again, one does get of course what Allen is like- immensely underrating his films once finished, and at times finding the film-making process to be more of a distraction from the other horrors of the world. Godard does (and sometimes doesn't) succeed in adding to these words of Allen's with spliced in images from his films, other filmmakers (Orson Welles), and New York city buildings, among other swell oddities.

Really, it isn't the most intriguing interview with Woody to date, but to see what his take on film-making, TV, Hannah and Her Sisters, and other things was like then in 86 is worth a peek. That it IS Godard at least brings some initial fascination, then some frustration, then, well, acceptance. This is a fairly courageous way of presenting what could be standard, pat-on-the-back interview fare (Godard does pay a compliment once or twice 'Hannah', though that's it, in his old-school Cashiers du Cinema ways). How Allen feels about his films won't be news to those who saw Richard Shickel's documentary on him. But just to have this film in your possession- if you would feel as strong a compulsion to see it based on the two names of the directors (known in their countries as the most intellectual, stimulating, &/or pretentious filmmakers around)- is a temptation that somehow lured me in. However, if you do seek it out, know well that the copy of the video will more likely than not be watchable only up to a point. It's literally one of those (perhaps minor) works by a director that end up on lists of all-time rarities, for better or worse.


当世界上最变态的电影导演遇见世界上也许是最聪明的导演时,注定这将是影史上最有趣的一次会晤。戈达 vs 伍迪.艾伦,这样的组合是否能让你内心激动呢?戈达,法国影史上最有个性最自命不凡的电影狂人,伍迪.艾伦,好来污知识型电影导演的杰出代表,在1986年的某月某日,他们在纽约的一间小公寓里见面了。那年他56,那年他51,那年他已完成《万福玛莉娅》,那年他刚拍完《汉娜和她的姐妹》。。。当然这不是两个半老眼镜男人之间的腥腥相吸,两位电影大师坐在一起,聊的可能就不止是电影这么简单了,伍迪也许是遇见了世界上最懂电影却又最尖酸刻薄的一位提问者,而戈达碰见的却是世界上最睿智最有洞察力的回答者,我们不知道是伍迪在戈达复杂尖锐的问题下生还,还是戈达被伍迪机智敏锐的思维所折服,戈达就那么坐着,抽着雪茄,一个个问题随着烟圈从他口中轻描淡写地冒出来,而伍迪呢,坐在对面,看上去似乎有点紧张,甚至有点不知所措,因为他清楚自己面对的是强悍的对手,这场对决也许远不如狼外婆与小红帽那样阴险狡诈,但也决非像练太极推手一般逍遥自在,一如戈达所说,我们要弄清楚的是究竟是“Stanislavski”还是“Staline loves ski”,看似简单实则深奥,谁知道呢。


其中有段特搞笑的内容让我印象颇深,戈达连续讲了一长串的法语,然后坐在旁边的翻译MM同步翻译英语,我只听得“。。。I don't have to ask my father and mother。。。FxCKING do it。。。”从她嘴里蹦出来,MM当场愣了一下,不过还是很快把那词给照搬出来了,伍迪笑了,我也笑得差点没背过去,呵呵,Sick Godard,您不如把法语骂街的词都说出来吧,还是存心害人家翻译MM呢?。。。

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