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Dernier maquis, Le

FANHALL ID: if04702
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片名: Dernier maquis, Le
其它片名: 最后的抵抗分子
导演: Rabah Ameur-Zaïmeche
编剧: Rabah Ameur-Zaïmeche
摄影: Irina Lubtchansky 
声音: Timotey Alazraki
剪辑: Nicolas Bancilhon 
主演: Nathalie Richard, Mohamed Fellag
音乐: Sylvain Rifflet  
片长: 93分钟
年份: 2008年
类型: 剧情
国别: 法国 / 阿尔及利亚
语言: French
制作机构: Sarrazink Productions

影片概述 . . . . . .

 Mao has a pallet repair business and a heavy vehicle garage in an anonymous industrial area of a Paris suburb. He decides to open up amosque for his employees, but he designates an imam for it without consulting with them. Some of the workers object to the choice, and aggravated social conflict soon follows. Going against all clichés, after Wesh wesh, qu’est-ce qui se passe ? and Bled Number One, Rabah Ameur-Zaïmeche pursues his amusing poetic plunge deep into the heart of the world of Maghreb immigration, and this time, into the working world. His film, themed on the color red, is an involved work as well as a work of art, a forum where civil dialogue and religious questions are expressed with a great freedom. Backing up his extremely personal mise-en-scène, Ameur-Zaïmeche invents characters in rhythm with the movement of the pallets that the actors move about, in the theatrical setting of the company workplace. A poetic masterwork full of humor and tenderness, Dernier maquis was selected for the Directors’ Fortnight this year in Cannes.  

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