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Loin du Vietnam

FANHALL ID: if01402
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片名: Loin du Vietnam
其它片名: 远离越南/Far from Vietnam
导演: Joris Ivens, Jean-Luc Godard, Agnès Varda, Alain Resnais, William Klein, Claude Lelouch, Chris Marker
编剧: Jean-Luc Godard, Chris Marker, Jacques Sternberg
制片人: Chris Marker
摄影: Denys Clerval, Alain Levent, Willy Kurant, Ghislain Cloquet, Jean Boffety, Kieu Tham, Bernard Zitzermann
声音: Antoine Bonfanti
剪辑: Jacques Meppiel
主演: Jean-Luc Godard, Anne Bellec, Karen Blanguernon, Bernard Fresson
片长: 115分钟
年份: 1967年
类型: 纪录片 
国别: 法国
语言: 法语
制作机构: Societe pour le Lancement des Oeuvres Nouvelles (SLON)

影片概述 . . . . . .

In this year of Bush vs. Kerry, when the campaign turns on issues of patriotism and war service, it is fascinating to go back to the Vietnam war to see the conflicts that rent American society of that time. The genesis of the film is interesting: the French public had been asked to give up a day's wages to help the Vietnamese people; finding this insufficient, Chris Marker had the idea of making a sketch film to protest the war. The problem is that the project was a collective effort: there are no credits to indicate who filmed what.

Resnais's sketch has a funny story of a stock shot of war atrocity that has been used so often that technicians call it "Gustave," and viewers look for it. Otherwise this is a silly, talky timewaster. The Godard sketch is even less effective--he uses footage from La Chinoise, the film he was working on at the time. Godard must have spent all of one afternoon on this. The purely documentary scenes come off best. The footage from the 50's must have been shot by Joris Ivens; it's wonderfully atmospheric. I wonder if he also shot the film on the American aircraft carrier as the sailors load the bombs onto the bombers that will pulverize Hanoi.

The best scenes of all were shot in New York; they show protesters from both sides of the ideological divide yelling their lungs out across police barricades. Every group and sub-group that could be imagined is represented here, and sometimes it's really funny to watch. Pity about the lack of credits.


在法国五月风暴前夕的一年,法国的电影工作者组织起来拍摄了本片,用以表达对正在发生的越南战争的态度和观点。阿仑雷乃、戈达尔、瓦尔达、勒卢什 等6位电影大师合导的记录片,影片分11段内容展开,描绘了世界上最富的国家与最穷的国家之间的战争背景下,越南人民的生活。也是不多的几部集锦式记录片中的经典之作。

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