片名: | 另一半 |
其它片名: | /The Other Half |
导演: | 应亮 |
编剧: | 应亮, 彭姗 |
制片人: | 彭姗 |
摄影: | 应亮, 李荣圣 |
美术: | 应亮, 彭姗 |
声音: | 应亮, 彭姗 |
剪辑: | 应亮 |
主演: | 曾晓菲, 邓纲, 赵柯, 陈锡桂 |
音乐: | 张骁, 胡乔太 |
片长: | 111分钟 |
年份: | 2006年 |
类型: | 剧情 |
国别: | 中国 |
语言: | 四川方言 |
格式: | DV |
制作机构: | 九十分钟电影工作室 |
影片概述 . . . . . .
Xiaofen works a clerk at a law firm located in a developing city in Southwestern China. Her job is to meet different female clients of the firm and document each case. However, just like the female clients involved in those lawsuits, Xiaofen is also in trouble. She feels anxious and unsafe. Her boyfriend, who was living with her, goes missing, possibly because he was a murderer. And her mother and her women friends lead unsettled lives.
This movie consists of two alternating parts. One part comprises the actual, true stories told by the female clients whom Xiaofen meets in her job. The other part is the narrative about Xiaofen herself and her female friends. The intention of the film’s structure is to present a contemporary report on the status of women living in an inland city in China.
Xiaofen works a clerk at a law firm located in a developing city in Southwestern China. Her job is to meet different female clients of the firm and document each case. However, just like the female clients involved in those lawsuits, Xiaofen is also in trouble. She feels anxious and unsafe. Her boyfriend, who was living with her, goes missing, possibly because he was a murderer. And her mother and her women friends lead unsettled lives.
This movie consists of two alternating parts. One part comprises the actual, true stories told by the female clients whom Xiaofen meets in her job. The other part is the narrative about Xiaofen herself and her female friends. The intention of the film’s structure is to present a contemporary report on the status of women living in an inland city in China.
导演阐述 . . . . . .
THE OTHER HALF is a film that comes from both despair and hope.
The ill-fated incident that it relates did not actually occur in the city in which the story is set, but it is a problem that is found worldwide. My film attempts to show a portrait of the future, and symbolizes the existential and spiritual crisis which ordinary people experience.
THE OTHER HALF is a film that comes from both despair and hope.
The ill-fated incident that it relates did not actually occur in the city in which the story is set, but it is a problem that is found worldwide. My film attempts to show a portrait of the future, and symbolizes the existential and spiritual crisis which ordinary people experience.
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评论列表(4) . . . . . . ( 发表新评论 ) ( 更多评论 )
- 若若的问问 [展开/收起]
2008-12-19 09:02:33 2回应
- 《好猫》好久发行DVO哦。发行了以后通知哈。
- 好电影 [展开/收起]
2008-12-02 10:59:27 0回应
- 内容丰富,底蕴特深厚。观后给人思索无穷。。。。。。。。
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- 应亮作品《另一半》片花 2009-12-15 22:48,分享
对本影片资料作出贡献的会员 . . . . . .
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应亮导演的其它影片 . . . . . .
收录该影片的片单 . . . . . .
- 黑措的片单 2010-09-21
相关资讯 . . . . . .
- 栗憲庭電影學校 獨立電影製作短期班 第6期 部分師資及課程介紹 2010-09-07
- 《中国独立影像》刊中刊一:观点—政治的美学或美学的政治 – 应亮的电影创作 2010-08-11
- 政治的美学或美学的政治 – 应亮的电影创作 2010-08-01
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- 应亮《另一半》 2007-12-04
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