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FANHALL ID: im04855
姓名: 张虹/Tammy Cheung
生日: 不详

影人概述: . . . . . .

张虹采用美国纪录片大师费特力克 . 怀斯曼平实的「Direct Cinema」拍摄手法,影片中并无旁述、访问或配乐,目的是让观众自己去理解及分析片中所见所闻。

Director’s Bio
Tammy Cheung was born in Shanghai in 1958 and moved to Hong Kong when she was three. She studied Sociology at a local college and Film Studies at Montreal’s Concordia University.
In 1986, she founded the Chinese International Film Festival in Montreal and held the position of director of the Festival between 1986 and 1992.
After moving back Hong Kong in 1994, she was involved in commercial film production, film criticism, teaching and translation.
After years of anticipation, Cheung made her directorial debut in 1999. Her works include Invisible Women (1999), Secondary School (2002), Rice Distribution (2002), Moving (2003), War (2003), July (2004) , Speaking Up (2005), Junior High(2006) & Speaking Up 2 (2007).
Rice Distribution is “The Hong Kong Independent Short Film & Video Awards 2002” Grand Prize and Open Category Gold Award winner. Secondary School, Rice Distribution and July were presented in film festivals in Amsterdam, Rome, Seoul, Toronto, Hong Kong, Taipei, Singapore and major cities in China.

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