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Coffee and Cigarettes

FANHALL ID: if01774
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片名: Coffee and Cigarettes
其它片名: 咖啡与香烟
导演: Jim Jarmusch
编剧: Jim Jarmusch
制片人: Jim Stark, Gretchen McGowan, Jason Kliot, Joana Vicente, Stacey E. Smith, Rachel Dengiz, Demetra J. MacBride, Rudd Simmons, Birgit Staudt
摄影: Ellen Kuras, Tom DiCillo, Robby Müller, Frederick Elmes
美术: Laura Chariton
声音: Eric Heffron
剪辑: Jim Jarmusch, Terry Katz, Melody London
主演: Roberto Benigni, Steven Wright, Joie Lee, Cinqué Lee, Steve Buscemi
片长: 95分钟
年份: 2003)年
类型: 剧情
国别: 美国 日本 意大利
语言: 英语 法语
制作机构: Fantazias for the Viols

影片概述 . . . . . .

This movie is better than the first reviewer claims. The context of the movie is definitely social, but the humor is only superficially based on the character's real-life celebrity. True, the background music is interesting if you are a film buff. But, take my advice, watch this movies after a couple drinks, at a social gathering, to really enjoy it. The humor is better than in most full length feature comedies. I laughed loud and hard and had a lot of fun when I caught this at the university of Chicago's student movie theater.

the real interest in this film is the social awkwardness created when people meet under false pretense or forced circumstance, versus the natural comfort that is obvious between longtime friends who enjoy each others company.. The gestures and facial expressions by these great actors more than make up for the weaknesses of the film. The brother/sister pairs show boredom and typical familial nit-picking. Iggy and Tom waits are brilliant. buschemi is a little misplaced in the scene where he shows up. my 2 favorite scenes, that i feel show the real genius of jarmusch, are 1.) the moment when molina's gestures have revealed that he is not, as indicated in the first review, a sycophant, but simply an honest and interested human being who is higher up in the scheme of things than the pretentious jerk he tries to befriend; and 2.)the scene where the old guy falls asleep and the camera zooms in on him for a moment, revealing a great moment of humanity

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  “加州某处”讲的是音乐家汤姆·维茨(汤姆·维茨 饰)和伊基·波普(伊基·波普 饰)在酒吧里第一次相遇。他们很快地起了争执:维茨认为真正的英雄和音乐家需要很强的自我反省和自制能力,伊基·波普则觉得刚好相反,英雄和这些无关。
——2009-05-20 14:04:37,4444上传

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