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Night on Earth

FANHALL ID: if01780
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片名: Night on Earth
其它片名: /Une nuit sur terre
导演: Jim Jarmusch
编剧: Jim Jarmusch
制片人: Jim Stark, Jim Jarmusch, Demetra J. MacBride, Rudd Simmons, Masahiro Inbe, Noboru Takayama
摄影: Frederick Elmes
剪辑: Jay Rabinowitz 
主演: Gena Rowlands, Winona Ryder, Lisanne Falk, Alan Randolph Scott
音乐: Tom Waits
片长: 129分钟
国别: 法国 英国 德国 美国 日本
语言: 英语 法语 意大利语 德语 芬兰语
制作机构: Victor Company of Japan (JVC)

影片概述 . . . . . .

I suppose people will typically talk about they loved the NY and Rome stories, but hated the Helsinki segment, or vice-versa, or whatever. This probably comes from thinking of the entire movie as belonging to a single genre--drama, comedy, satire. If you take each story by itself, though, with an open mind, you will find yourself being entertained (mostly) in five different ways. Although of course we will all have our favorites.

I wondered briefly why there wasn't a segment set in Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan--to make it truly global. Of course it wouldn't be night at the same time on that side of the world. Jarmusch should have done it anyway.

Some think the movie is too long. But this is obviously a movie you don't need to watch in a single sitting; indeed, for the reason stated above, it's perhaps best watched a little at a time.

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