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Coffee and Cigarettes III

FANHALL ID: if01779
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片名: Coffee and Cigarettes III
其它片名: 咖啡与香烟(三)
导演: Jim Jarmusch
制片人: Demetra J. MacBride, Birgit Staudt
摄影: Frederick Elmes
声音: Stephen Balliet
剪辑: Jim Jarmusch, Terry Katz
主演: Iggy Pop, Tom Waits
片长: 12分钟
年份: 1995年
国别: 美国
语言: 英语
制作机构: Cinesthesia Productions

影片概述 . . . . . .

I like Tom Waits when he is on the screen. Here he appears in the third short film from 'Coffee and Cigarettes', the work director Jim Jarmusch started in 1986 to finish it in 2003. This one is from 1993, the same year we saw Waits in Robert Altman's 'Short Cuts'. He sits down together with another famous artist, Iggy Pop, to talk over coffee and cigarettes. And of course about coffee and cigarettes.

This is one of the more memorable episodes, not only because it stars these two musicians, but also because their conversation feels very reel. They have those uncomfortable silences where one the two, most of the time Iggy, starts talking about nothing again since he can't handle the silence. The response from Waits on most things Iggy says is great. The final line that involves a juke-box where not records of Waits are on is a nice ending for this one.

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